Abdominal Detox Massage
Focus on your abdominal health with this gentle hands-on modality. This treatment can help with numerous digestive issues, restrictions in the abdomen, and dysmenorrhea using ancient Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage techniques, breathwork and lymphatic drainage techniques.
Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage
If you’re looking for a deep, therapeutic massage Ashiatsu barefoot massage is what you’re looking for. Side-effects include deep relaxation, pain and stress relief, and possible drooling. This combination of myofascially-focused barefoot techniques and varying degrees of pressure will leave you feeling fantastic. Click here for the Natural Awakenings article I wrote about Ashiatsu.
Stretch Therapy
This therapeutic stretching treatment will decompress the joints and loosen the muscles. Your therapist will work put you in position then compress, stretch, or guide you through a series of passive or active resisted stretching exercises. No need to undress, just wear something loose you can move and be moved in. This treatment will integrate aspects of sports stretching, compression massage, and Thai massage.
Fijian Barefoot Massage
Fijian Barefoot massage is another barefoot modality. The big difference from the other types of barefoot massage I perform is that the client lays on a mat on the floor and is fully clothed during the massage. The experience of Fijian Barefoot massage is a deep compression massage with very little gliding. I found it to be deeply relaxing and a wonderful reset for a tired back.
Manual Lymph Drainage
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a gentle type of massage that promotes the movement of lymph fluid throughout your body. Moving lymph keeps us healthy and younger by assisting in creating more immune cells, transporting immune cells, and removing cellular debris from the body. MLD has positive impacts on immune strength, anti-aging, edema issues, palliative care for hospice patients, pre- and post-surgical pain and bruising, constipation and that sluggish, bloated feeling. Call today to find out if Manual Lymph Drainage is the right fit for your needs.
A massage where I focus mainly on your feet for an hour then finish up with hands, face, head, and ears. Many people find this massage helpful for foot pain or if they cannot receive full-body massage. Reflexology offers many of the same relaxation benefits of full-body massage and leaves your feet feeling toe-riffic!
Thai-Yoga Massage
Or Vedic Thai Massage or Assisted Asana Massage, it’s called a lot of different things, but the long and short of it is that it’s wonderful. This massage is performed on a floor mat with the client fully clothed. I will guide you through a series of yoga asanas gently extending your current range of motion and applying appropriate compression massage. This massage is great for joint decompression and stretching and leaves you feeling very open and loose.
Therapeutic Partner Massage Classes
These classes will teach you simple massage techniques to offer stress and pain relief to your family while safeguarding your own body. Bring your significant other, family member or a friend for a fun and relaxing experience. Along with learning how to give a great massage you will receive massage from your class partner. Take home new skills in massage and stress relief, printed handouts of the routines and a small bottle of massage cream for home use. Call 256 603-4596 or email to sign up for the next class! Private sessions also available upon request.
TMJ Massage
Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) can be alleviated by targeted massage techniques. If you’re looking for a therapists trained in the intra-oral techniques of TMJ relief, please give me a call so we can talk about your needs. This service can be a standalone 15 minute session or integrated into a longer session.
I tried to book an appointment online for next week, but failed, miserably! I’m still working to regain full use of my left shoulder and need some relief from all the stress of this crazy world. Afternoons are best for me, any day except Tues.
Hi Suzanne, Please call me at 256-603-4596 and we can set you up for an appointment.