
This page collects the online publications and press releases by Sharon L Bryant, owner Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology.
Online Blogs, Articles & E-Books
Harvest Moon Massage Therapy Blog
Things I Should Have Learned in Massage School Substack
So, You Want to Get a Massage Therapist License: A Guidebook to Getting Your Personal Massage Therapist License in Alabama
Integrating Barefoot Massage Into Your Matwork – A guest post for Center for Barefoot Massage blog
Body Awareness and the Brain/Body Disconnect: A Bodyworker’s Perspective-A guest post for Lauren’s Fitness blog
Free CEU Credits or Down the Rabbit Hole-For the Alabama Kneads (AMTA) newsletter
Rocking the Booth-A guest post for Ashiatsu Deep Foot Notes blog
Notes From a First Time Festie-Goer-For the Alabama Kneads (AMTA) newsletter
Going Deeper with Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy– Natural Awakenings Tennessee Valley Magazine
Press Releases
It’s A Toe-riffic Deal!
It’s A Toe-riffic Deal!
Decatur, AL – March 15, 2011
Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology has entered into a Sponsor Agreement with Logical Marketing Solutions and its affiliate WYAM TV51 of Decatur, AL. Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology is donating two one-hour gift certificates each week to the Alabama Traveller show. These gift certificates will be sold at a discount rate weekly from March 14, 2011 through June 6, 2011. Alabama Traveller airs Monday evenings at 7pm on Charter Cable channel 20 and PCL Cable channel 56.
Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology is Decatur’s exclusive provider of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy and Ashi-Thai barefoot massage.
For more information about Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology call (256) 603-4596 or visit
A Luxurious New Type of Massage in the Tennessee Valley
Decatur, AL – August 13, 2010
New levels of luxury can be found in the Tennessee Valley and the corresponding healing properties aren’t bad either. It’s called Ashi-Thai and it’s a Westernized interpretation of the ancient art of Thai massage fused with principles of yoga, stretching and barefoot massage.
Unlike traditional Swedish massage where clients must partially or fully disrobe, Ashi-Thai is performed with the client fully clothed while relaxing on a massage table. The Ashi-Thai therapist uses her feet and overhead bars for support to guide the client through a series of passive stretches designed to address all of the large muscle groups of the body. The result is a much looser body and a more relaxed mind.
Ashi-Thai was developed by Ruthie Piper Hardee the founder of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapyâ (AOBT) and Kina Ueda who is a certified Thai massage and AOBT therapist. Ms. Hardee and Ms. Ueda developed this barefoot system of Thai massage to offer the luxurious and healing stretching of traditional Thai with a more scientific focus. Ashi-Thai, performed on a regular massage table instead of the classic floor mat, brings the head into alignment with the spine providing a more comfortable experience for those suffering from neck injuries or restrictions.
This modality is particularly well-suited to treating structural injuries that have resulted in chronic pain and range of motion restrictions, including sports injuries. Many clients find they are more flexible after receiving Ashi-Thai than they were before the injury occurred. Unfortunately, those with uncontrolled diabetes or circulatory issues, recent surgeries, or are pregnant or trying to become pregnant are not eligible to receive Ashi-Thai due to the increased metabolic function that occurs during and after the massage.
Ashi-Thai is a relatively new discipline. Health & Bodyworks, Inc. of Denver, CO has only been offering training for this modality since 2009, but is already recognized by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and the American Massage Therapy Association.
North Alabama, specifically Decatur, boasts one of only two Ashi-Thai practitioners in the state. Ashi-Thai can be found locally at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology in Decatur, AL. The owner, Sharon L. Bryant, is a master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapyâ provider and recently traveled to Dallas, TX to attain training and certification in Ashi-Thai.
Contact Info: Sharon L. Bryant
Phone: 256 603-4596
This is awesome, you go girl 🙂