
How Does Your Skin Feel?

massage dry skinWith this wildly varying weather and the cold coming again this weekend, there’s a good chance your skin is as dry and itchy as mine.

If that’s the case, here are a few tips to minimize skin issues due to cold weather:

  1. Reduce the length and temperature of your baths and showers. Water and soap remove the natural oils your skin makes and needs to stay hydrated.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. This seems like such a no-brainer, but warm drinks will not only help keep you hydrated, you get the additional benefit of the steam on your skin.
  3. Consider a humidifier in your space. Many heating systems sap the moisture from our environments and our skin.
  4. Moisturize your skin morning, noon and night and any other time you feel you need it. Pick something thick and nourishing for best results.
  5. Bundle up. Make sure your skin is covered as much as possible if you have to be out in the extremes.

And if you just can’t reach that itchy place in the middle of your back, give me a call and I’ll be happy to help!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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Don’t Get Taken Out By Your Resolution!

fireworks-768706_1920It’s New Year’s resolution time again. Maybe you’re one of the many who is making some changes this January. If so here are a few tips to keep a little perspective.
  1. Keep it simple. Drastic changes are harder to make than small ones.
  2. Start slow and build up steam. It takes a while to change habits, attitudes, muscles, etc.
  3. Be kind to yourself. Change is a process. If it were easy we’d just wake up and be different. It’s okay to fall off the wagon and begin again.
  4. Ask for help. If you get in over your head, ask a friend to help you evaluate your goals and gain a bit of perspective.
Good luck and let me know how it’s going for you!
Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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A Meditation on Gratitude

gratefulness-2016So lately I’ve noticed random posts from friends listing different things they’re thankful for. One of the Facebook business groups I follow posted an “advent calendar” for gratefulness for the month of November leading up to Thanksgiving. I’m not great at keeping up with stuff like that. I get too invested, my perfectionism kicks in, and I spend too much time worrying about things that don’t matter. So I read through all the different questions and moved on. One of the ones that stuck asked what smell I was grateful for?

At first I was stumped by this question. I’ll admit I’ve been thinking about it on and off for weeks. You see why I moved on from the daily calendar, it would take me all year to finish!

Anyway, what smell am I grateful for? I like a lot of smells. Food, herbs and spices top the list. But that’s too easy and if you pressed me I couldn’t pick just one. I like the smell of my dogs most days. Their musty, individual smells are comforting and warm. I’m thankful they don’t smell like some dogs I’ve met! I love the way my house smells after I mop the kitchen with Pine-sol or when the dryer is running.

And then I sort of forgot about the question altogether for a while because I was stalled trying to pick a favorite smell. One that wasn’t just a smell.

A few days ago, while I was on the table working with a client, out of the blue it finally hit me. I am grateful for the the smell of hot, stainless steel as it’s being rinsed in the sink. Kind of random and definitely odd, huh?

I don’t remember when I first noticed how good my stainless steel pots smelled as I washed and rinsed them. It’s been a while because I look forward to washing them now. But why? Why would anyone be thankful for the smell of hot, stainless steel? Because…

Because that stainless steel pot was a gift from my grandmother. She’s gone now and I’m so grateful for the frequent reminder of her and how she taught me so much about cooking and life and love.

Because there is hot water running from a tap and good soap to wash my dirty dishes with. I am lucky to live where I have access to the basics.

Because there was food in the pot to make it dirty and to fill my and my family’s bellies. I am fortunate to be able-bodied where I can work, earn, and provide food for my family.

Because I have a family to love and care for who loves and cares for me right back.

And that is when I realized what my favorite smell is and why I am grateful for it. Because family and love is what it’s all about and when I think about gratitude and what I am thankful for more often than not it circles back to love and family.

So what are you grateful for? And why?


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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When Voting Feels Like Punishment…

i-voted-stickerLet’s talk about stress. A little stress is a good thing. It keeps our bodies working properly. The stress due to this hate-filled political climate, though. This is the bad kind of stress. The stress that gives people strokes and heart attacks. A few weeks ago news hit the airwaves about “Election Stress Disorder“. Apparently it’s a thing that has developed due to this never ending election cycle the media and social media delivers to us on a 24-hour basis.
So here are a few tips on how to keep your cool as the political shit storms rage:
  1. Turn off the TV/Facebook/Internet News Sources – The world is going to continue spinning no matter who wins
  2. Hug your significant other, kids, and/or dogs – Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that helps reduce stress and anxiety
  3. Get outside – Take advantage of our artificially shortened day (aka, time change) and get outside in nature. Studies show that spending time outside during the winter months has vast positive effects on mood
  4. Move your body – Just taking a walk and getting the blood moving can help reduce the levels of cortisol in the bloodstream helping to calm the raging beast
  5. Engage in flow – Flow is a state where your mind is engaged, but relaxed. It can be as simple as throwing the ball with your dog, knitting, or dancing. Anything that engages, but also relaxes.

So, get out and vote, just remember to keep your cool!

Let me know what you think if you try these and, as always, I’m available with some professional techniques to root out your stress if you need me.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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Head Up, Young Person!

Day_80_-_A_Pain_in_the_Neck_(2347498204)So this week has been a tough one so far. I’ve seen a lot of clients really hurting with upper back and neck pain. When I find myself making notes on who to send which video or exercise to I start to think it’s time for another self-care post.

I considered making this another round up of videos similar to the sciatic pain post, but it occurred to me that a discussion on awareness might be a better place to start.

Specifically, awareness about head forward position. Head forward is something that is talked about a lot and I know you’ve seen the 42 pound head graphics. I don’t know if my noggin weighs 42 pounds when I’m working on the computer, but I know it wreaks havoc on my upper back, neck and between my shoulder blades when I spend too much time with my head unaligned with my spine. And really that is all head forward position is about, the head not being aligned over the spine. In addition to the head, neck and upper back pain, head forward position can cause pinched nerves, rotator cuff issues and tight pectoralis muscles. Fun stuff, NOT!

So awareness being the key to combating head forward position, I’ve put together a list of times or activities I’ve caught myself or observed others with our heads hanging out in not so great positions.

Washing your hair

Next time you jump in the shower to wash your hair take a minute to notice where your head is while you’re shampooing away. Does your head hang down in front of your chest? If so, try lifting your head into an upright position and letting your arms reach up to your head. That’s three minutes you’re not in a head forward posture!

Brushing your teeth

Are you bending down over the sink? If so, stand up and bring your brushing hand up to finish the task. That’s three or four more minutes you’re not in a head forward posture! See where we’re going with this?


This one is a biggie. I see it all the time while driving. Someone zips by with their seat back slung way back and they’re neck is at a 45º+ angle. This is a different type of head forward position, but it’s still stressing all those back, neck and upper trap muscles. Think about how much time you spend driving with your neck bent.

Watching TV

You would think that relaxing and watching tv would be a no-brainer for head forward position, but I do it all the time. I’ll be sitting, enjoying a show, and suddenly realize I’m hurting. That’s when it occurs to me I must look like a turtle peeking out of his shell.

Side sleeping (fetal position)

Again you’d think sleeping would be a no-brainer, but it was the last bastion of neck pain for me. It took a long time to figure out, but my neck pain finally got so bad it was waking me up in the middle of the night. I would move and align my neck and head with my spine and the pain would stop. After a few weeks of trying to be really conscious of how I was sleeping the pain started to resolve. I even had relief down into my low back from changing my sleeping posture. There’s 6 to 8 hours more your neck could be in a painful position.

Texting or working on the computer

For texting or using a handheld device, try raising your hands and the device up to eye level instead of looking down. For computer use, raise the monitor to eye level. If you’re like me, even then you’ll have to guard against leaning the head forward in anticipation of all the goodness that monitor is going to deliver.


It’s all about the looking down with the studying. Try raising the book with a desktop book stand to get the head in more of an upright position.


I had never thought about head forward position in relation to walking, but recently I went to a walking track and watched several people who were walking for fitness with extreme head forward posture. All I could think of was whether their neck and back hurt all the time.

Now That You Know!

So now that I’ve inundated you with a bunch of ways to be more aware of where your head is in the universe, here are a few tips to help start getting the head aligned over the spine.

  • Drop your chin. This seems counterintuitive, but by dropping the chin a primal reflex kicks in causing you to automatically adjust your neck so your eyes point forward
  • Set your cellphone to alert you several times a day to check where your head is. Just being reminded to check in will help with long term awareness
  • Press your head back into your pillow, headrest, the couch, etc. a couple times a day, be gentle these muscles may not have been activated in a while
  • Get a massage or do some self-massage on the upper back (foam roller, tennis balls, etc.)
  • Read this article about Cracking the Walnut and try strengthening your upper back
  • Imagine having a string attached to the top of your head and that someone is pulling you upright. Use this visualization to adjust your posture several times a day until it begins to feel natural.

So I hope these suggestions and tips help you to be more aware of the position of your head and neck and also help you increase the amount of time you live with better alignment. The end game is less pain through healthy choices and smarter posture.

Be good to yourself and as always my table is available to you if you need me!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Only Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Out, Out, Damned Sciatic Pain!

Sciatic NerveOh sciatic, you are wreaking havoc among friends, family and clients right now so I am officially declaring war. When I keep seeing and hearing about sciatic issues it’s time for me to do something. So here’s a compilation of my favorite exercises for hip and sciatic pain relief in one place. If you’re here because you’re struggling with sciatic pain, I hope these exercises and stretches help you.

Seated Hip Stretch

I love this stretch and use it often. This is where you want to start if you’re not very bendy. Just get the ankle up on the knee, hang out, and listen to what the hip is telling you. A little pain might be necessary to get things moving, but stop if you start feeling that “something is tearing” pain.

 Education is Key

I like this video because the doctor explains the different types of issues that can cause sciatic pain and offers different exercises for each. Try them all and then pick the ones that you think are giving you the best results.

 Another Sciatic Nerve Stretch

This is a pretty common stretch that I’ve seen for sciatic relief. I tend to use this one as well when my sciatic flares up. I like it because I get to lay on the floor, on my back, you know, like sleeping except with stretching.

 Standing Pigeon Piriformis Stretch

You can do this exercise standing next to your bed or any stable raised surface. It’s a good stretch for that pesky piriformis muscle and gets you ready for the next one (if you dare). Please make sure the surface you pick is stable and not going to slide out from under you.


Here is an article about stretching before sleep that has some great pictures of what this stretch looks like done on a bed.

The Mother of All Sciatic Stretches

Also known as Pigeon in the yoga world, this stretch is well known for opening up the hip rotators and should be considered an advanced move. I recommend working through all the other stretches above and then working slowly into this one.

So there you have it! Good luck, work smart and I look forward to hearing how you progress through these exercises and getting out of pain. As always, my table and services are available to you for assistance with sciatic pain management.

***Micro mini fine print: I’m not a doctor and this article is not intended to replace medical advice. Please listen to your body and seek medical attention when necessary.***


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur, Alabama’s Original Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Summer Vacation 2016!

Relaxed Feet!

It’s that time of year when everyone is running off to the beach or the mountains to relax a bit. I’ll be joining them this week for some much needed R&R. I plan on sitting with my feet in the dirt and sand as much as possible, soaking up some sun and recharging my batteries in anticipation of this very, busy upcoming summer.

I’ll be slow to respond to phone calls, voicemail, text messages, and emails this week so if you are an existing client please use my online scheduler. Remember to use the same email address from which you receive my emails when booking online. Otherwise my scheduler will think you’re new and won’t let you book. New clients, please call and leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

The particulars:

Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology will be closed beginning May 30th and will reopen June 6th.

I hope each of you will be able to take some time to rest and recharge this summer. And when you do, I want to hear about it!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Original Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Summer Vacation Time!


Thanks for stopping by. You may have noticed I’m off taking some much needed rest and relaxation. You can still make an appointment through my online scheduler if you like. If not just call and leave a message and I’ll call you when I get back.

Oh and check back here next week. I have some exciting news about a new service that I’m adding.

Hope you’re all having a terrific summer!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Original Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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It’s Always Sunny in Lobsterville

sun-wearing-sunglassesThis week is National Sun Safety Week and with schools letting out for the summer it can’t come at a better time.

I well remember the summer between my junior and senior year when we spent a week on St. George’s Island. Senior portraits were the week after our beach trip and I was determined to have a tan to remember. Determination quickly led that pale princess to Lobsterville. There were no toes in the water, no ass in the sand, oh no, I spent most of the week inside or on the screened porch reading Crime and Punishment and smelling like a salad. I don’t know what was worse, no water, no sand, the book, or the pervasive eau du vinegar. Ugh!

So I thought I would take a minute to share with you a few tips that I’ve learned over the years in regard to sun safety. Most of them learned the hard way…

  1. Bug spray and sunscreen don’t play nice together. The Sun Safety Alliance says bug spray reduces SPF by 1/3. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that combined they make for a very painful after sun experience.
  2. You can get sunburned in the shade. Experience, y’all. Experience… wear sunscreen even if you’re sitting in the shade, wearing a hat and covered up by a sarong. Also, on overcast days…again, experience.
  3. Spray sunscreen is the devil. I heard something about this on the news recently. They were advising against its use. I don’t know what their issue with it is, but in my experience it doesn’t just spray on nice and even. You have to rub it in just like the regular stuff if you’re going to use it or just go ahead and expect to be sporting a bizarrely shaped sunburn and (if you’re lucky) follow-on tan. Also, I suspect the propellants are dangerous to the atmosphere or our health or the wildlife.
  4. Use way more than you think you need. No really, slather that stuff on like it’s running from the faucets.
  5. Towels and clothing will steal your sunscreen. If you touch any part of your skin with any kind of fabric just go ahead and plan to reapply cause more than likely it took it off of you. Wet towels are the worst for this!
  6. If you develop a fine rash all over your exposed skin after applying sunscreen, go inside and wash it off immediately. Then schedule an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist. Do not spend the entire day outside re-applying the same sunscreen over and over. It’s just not worth it.

So there you go, just a few of my hard hitting, personal learning experiences with the sun.

And if you’re wondering how sunburns and massage relate, they don’t. If you have an appointment for a massage and also have a sunburn that is less than 48-72 hours old, just go ahead and call and reschedule. It’ll save you a trip as most good therapists will send you home anyway.

Take care of yourselves out there in the beautiful summer sun!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Fijian Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Cracking the Walnut

Muscles_rhomboïdesIf you’ve been to see me and spent any time at all on my table you know I’m constantly harping on how we not only need to stretch muscles, but we also need to strengthen the opposing muscles in order to address and heal the problem. In pursuit of that I have decided to begin a series of self-care articles that will hopefully be helpful to someone.

I’m beginning with Cracking the Walnut because most of us are familiar with the insidious upper back pain that manifests between the shoulder blades. You know what I’m talking about. We’ve all experienced the burning, tingling, sparkling, tightness and/or tiredness between the shoulders that tends to spend weeks or months torturing us before it mysteriously retreats only to return again when we least need or expect it.

Cracking the walnut refers to an exercise I once learned from a Pilates instructor who for several months put me through the unique torture that is called a Body Reformer machine. Her version of cracking the walnut involved me lying on my belly on a big box while holding onto straps and extending my arms straight out to their respective sides as I tried desperately to continue breathing. Eventually I was able to correctly perform this exercise and am glad that I learned it because I attribute it to fixing a host of problems with my upper back and neck.

The good news today is that you don’t need a Body Reformer machine or a Pilates instructor to learn how to crack this walnut. My philosophy for these self-care articles is to give you simple things that you can do with little to no equipment or by using everyday objects and items you already own in the comfort and convenience of your own space.

You simply need to relax and find a place to be. This scapula squeeze strengthener can be done by sitting with your arms loosely held by your sides, head facing forward and aligned over the spine, shoulders down, abs contracted and maintaining a protected, stable, and flat low back. When you’re aligned, gently squeeze the shoulder blades together while keeping the elbows low and at your side. Here’s a short video that illustrates the move.



In most folks, the shoulders start to drift up, a noticeable sway develops in the low back and the chest puffs out. Don’t do this! See the ProTip below to learn how to access the correct muscles and keep your alignment impeccable.

Once you can maintain your alignment through the move, engage and hold for a count of three. Do that 10 times. Observe how you feel before and after each set.

ProTip: If you’re having trouble isolating the rhomboids and middle trapezius muscles, extend both arms straight out to the sides of your body with palms facing forward. Then visualize using your scapula to squeeze out a sponge. Experiment and really pay attention to what it feels like to move and access these muscles.

In the beginning you might get sore from only one set of 10. Remember that these muscles are very seldom engaged in our hunched over a desk, laptop, tablet, and cellphone society. In fact, they are more likely to be in a constant state of stretch which sounds great until the muscles want to go home and rest for a while.

So be kind to yourself, go slow, and work your way up to a stronger set of rhomboids, middle trapezius muscles, and less pain in the upper back.

As always, I’m here with my table if you need me, but I hope you’ll try some of these self-care techniques. Feel better!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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