
Listen When Your Body Whispers

Woman cupping her ear and leaning in to hear

I recently ran across a meme that said, “If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.” I shared it in a Facebook post because so many of my clients come to me the first time with their body screaming or complaining loudly. Regardless, waiting until you’re in pain before seeking help is not the greatest of ideas. Convincing your body it can heal itself is much easier and results occur much more quickly if you learn to listen when your body is whispering.

The idea of the body whispering intrigued me because you don’t often see hints and tips on how to identify the pre-emptive rumblings of physical malfunction. So, I spent some time talking to my regular clients and asking them what they considered whispers that prompted them to schedule a massage. Then I spent some more time with a couple of my massage communities asking the bodywork experts what they considered the early, early warnings. The following list is what I learned from exploring this idea.

How to tell when your body is whispering…

Hello, Listen!

First you have to tune in and actually start listening to your body. So many of us ignore the small aches, pains, rumblings, and grumblings that our body has. Start tuning in to those things. Here are a couple of articles that talk more about this subject.

Unexpected Emotions

If you’re normally a pretty even keeled person, but find yourself weepy for no good reason or losing patience with people or situations that normally would be no big deal, that’s a pretty loud whisper. Maybe you’re suddenly angry at situations that normally wouldn’t bother you or you feel the green-eyed monster creeping in when your friend gets some good news. Unexpected emotions are sure signs of stress whether it be work-related, family issues, or not getting enough rest. In cases like this, a good massage can help take the edge off and down regulate the nervous system allowing you to get back to your normal self.

Poor Quality Rest

There are a lot of reasons people have trouble sleeping or getting good rest. If you find yourself feeling tired or just generally lethargic then it’s time to take action. Check out your sleeping area. Make sure it’s quiet, dark, and free from attack kitties. Consider an herbal sleeping draught before bedtime. If these things don’t seem to be working it might be time to get some bodywork to see if it’s low-grade pain or stress keeping you awake. Click here to read more about creating bedtime rituals.


You know when your hip sort of catches when you get up from a sitting position and you have to stand there and let it unwind before you can take off, that’s the kind of discomfort I’m talking about. Or if you catch yourself absentmindedly rubbing that troublesome spot on your neck. I’m talking about those little aches and pains we ignore so we can get a little further through our day. Then there’s the restlessness that won’t let you sit still. A lot of times that is caused by discomfort that we’re not even aware of. These types of discomforts are the harbingers of real and sometimes very painful soft tissue and even structural issues. What most of us consider small, inconvenient pains can be eliminated by receiving regular bodywork and may head off looming issues that can keep us from working and enjoying life.

Reduced Function

Maybe nothing is hurting, but one day you notice you’re just having more trouble bending over to tie your shoes. Or there’s an activity you have been doing forever that suddenly is much more difficult than it used to be. Or maybe one day you just can’t do something that you did just fine yesterday. This is where your massage therapist can really shine by getting you back into fighting shape.


When you stop caring about people, pets, your home, or activities that used to bring you joy, it’s time to sit up and really pay attention. This can also manifest as a lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed, lack of joy, feeling fried, done, or burned out. All of these feelings are serious clues to something being wrong in our world. Perhaps we just need some downtime away from the usual stressors where we can take care of ourselves and our mental health. But sometimes it can be more serious than that and we need to see a doctor or mental health professional to guide us through it.

Where do we go from here?

So what do you do if you’re reading this and realize that your body is whispering to you? I believe there’s no magic bullet when it comes to fixing tissue issues; it takes a multi-disciplinary approach. Massage therapy is going to be one of the first things I recommend for almost everyone who has a whispering (or screaming) body. It’s minimally invasive and helps to relieve all sorts of physical, emotional, and mental issues. I usually recommend massage therapy first before seeing other bodywork and medical personnel unless someone is clearly injured, sick, or showing tendencies of self-harm.

For learning to listen to your body I recommend some form of meditation. There are an avalanche of studies being published almost every day about the benefits and value of meditation. For other more active relaxation techniques, movement, flow, and binaural beats music are invaluable tools. And finally, plant medicine, don’t forget the beautiful herbal tonics and remedies that are available to us for relaxation and healing. If you don’t know where to start with herbs, let me know and I’ll give you a referral to an herbalist.

Happy Listening!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Cheap CEs Will Kill Your Career

Cartoon person holding a "Will Massage for Food" sign

Maybe you read the post I wrote a while ago about how you get what you pay for when you search for massage therapy services. If so, you probably already know what my opinion is going to be concerning cheap continuing education. *This post may be more directed at massage therapists, but massage therapy consumers can benefit by knowing a bit more about how to find a better massage therapist.

Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of chatter on social media about how expensive massage therapy CEs are and how massage therapists really want to stop, “Paying an arm and a leg,” for continuing ed. I’ve seen comments concerning giving up their first born, pints of blood, and other ridiculous exaggerations on the costs of classes.

Continuing education classes cost money, some more than others. Online classes are a lowest common denominator situation with canned curricula that leaves a lot to be desired when learning hands-on techniques. They are however good for ethics, business classes, and refreshers for book work. Live, in-person classes cost more than online classes with good reason. Having an instructor prepare, teach, demonstrate, observe, troubleshoot, and correct deserve money and respect. Specialty classes, those that involve certifications in specific methods that not all other massage therapists offer, cost even more.

If you want to learn a new technique or improve your current skills, your computer is best used to find an instructor and their teaching schedule. Evidence is mounting that learning is best done when we are engaging with the world and without screens.

There’s Nothing Wrong With a Bargain

Don’t get me wrong, I like bargains and there’s nothing wrong with them. Unfortunately, as professionals, the continual seeking of bargains when it comes to continuing education leads to stagnation and sometimes degradation of our skills. Imagine graduating from massage school and never taking another hands-on class again. How do we expect to progress and mature in our profession if all our continuing ed is done online for the cheapest cost possible? And without being professional and discriminating in how we spend our CE dollars, how can we expect to be taken seriously by the community, medical or otherwise, and also be valued and paid for our experience?

And what about our clients?

Now imagine what our clients think. Maybe they don’t care? Maybe they care a lot that the person they pay to be an ally in their healthcare cares enough to spend the money to be the very best.

I simply can’t afford it…

Check out your local AMTA chapter. Members get a discounted rate on CEs and even non-members get a pretty good rate. Most chapters host nationally certified instructors once or twice a year. Check out your local massage schools. They also bring in nationally certified instructors occasionally and while the cost is usually more, you can save by not having travel expenses.

You Can’t Afford Not To

I know it’s not what we want to hear, but it’s important and it’s what sets the good massage therapists ahead of the bargain hunters. You simply cannot afford not to budget for and spend your CE dollars on quality, continuing education.

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Balance and Postural Stability Article

Kinesiotape on a foot

So last year when I was in D.C., at the AMTA National Convention I took a class on Balance and Postural Stability. I don’t really remember what I expected from that class. Maybe some gait analysis and strategies on how to troubleshoot and assist with balance issues. I know I didn’t expect to learn quite so much about the inner workings of the foot. The taping for plantar fasciitis and bunyons was also a bonus.

It was a great class and I brought home a whole new set of tools to try with my clients. I also use a lot of the techniques for my personal self-care regimen. After all, I work with my feet so it’s really important that I take care of my feet!

Recently, I was contacted by a reporter who interviewed me about that class. It was fun getting to talk about how much I enjoyed the class and how much of it I’m still using. She actually quoted me a couple of times in the article.

Read more about that class and what a bunch of folks had to say about it over here!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Foot Cleansing FAQ

Ashiatsu barefoot massage foot cleansing ritual

How Do You Clean Your Feet?

A common refrain from barefoot therapists and clients alike are questions about how to clean your feet before, during, and after a barefoot massage session.

Some therapists have beautiful bowls they cleanse in and ritualize the process, but it’s really not necessary. It can be as simple as cleansing with a little soap and water before and after the session in a pan or bowl or even sitting on the side of the sink.

Since most of us aren’t fortunate enough to have a foot bath available in our treatment room, table-side we always recommend a final spritz. It not only makes the client feel comfortable that our feet are as clean as possible, but it also ensures that anything you may have picked up since the last soap and water cleanse is washed away.

Where Do You Get Foot Spray?

I don’t know if you can buy a cleansing foot spray commercially. It’s so easy to make at home I’ve never really looked for it. Also, I like being able to control the ingredients that touch my skin and by doing it myself the cost is less than any commercial product is likely to be, especially with the volume a barefoot massage therapist will go through. I use A LOT of foot spray. There’s also the issue of client allergies to consider so making it takes away the guesswork on ingredients and potential reactions.

Make Your Own Foot Spray!

I know folks who use a combination of alcohol and water or those alcohol-based anti-bacterial gels. Those work, but can be very drying for some especially when used long-term.

I prefer to make my own from simple ingredients. First you’ll need a spray bottle, I prefer the trigger style as they’re easier to use even when you’ve been handling oils, creams, or lotions. I find the pump bottles almost impossible to hold onto if I’ve used any product at all. The other ingredients are distilled water, witch hazel, and essential oils.

For the oils, I prefer ones with anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. And after a recent conversation with my friend and aromatherapist, Hillary Arrieta, from The Heeling Hut Barefoot Massage in Dallas, TX, I have started adding lavender essential oil to combat the drying nature of some of the other essential oils.

A Foot Spray Recipe

4 oz. spray bottle (trigger bottles tend to work better than pump bottles)
1 oz. distilled water
1 oz. witch hazel
No more than 24 drops combined of essential oils of melaleuca, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, and/or peppermint.

Combine all and shake well before each use. Spritz feet liberally table-side and dry with a towel.

This foot spray can also be used as a room spray, linen spray, to clean and refresh clients’ feet, or on those really hot days when your deodorant fails, can be pressed into use as as a body cleansing spray.

A COVID-19 Compliant Foot Spray

8 oz. 99% ethyl alcohol
1 Tbsp. household peroxide
1 tsp. vegetable glycerin
50 drops of essential oils of your choice
2 oz. distilled water

Combine all and shake well before each use. Spritz feet liberally table-side and dry with a towel.

Do not use for room or linen spray.

I hope this has answered most of your pressing questions about barefoot massage and foot cleansing. If not, drop your questions in the comments or give me a call and we can talk about it!

See you in class soon!

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I Got FasciAshi Certified!

ashiatsu barefoot massage FasciAshi Certification Award

So a few weeks ago I received this! It’s one small step in a BIG direction for my career and I am so excited. I was actually in the middle of another barefoot training class when the instructor suddenly turned around and said, “Here!” and handed it to me. Yay!

So now I am officially a Certified FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist! It’s mostly just a bunch of words that mean I spent time after class practicing (a lot), I took a test (that wasn’t very easy), had a lot of practice clients fill out evaluations, and after all that, was observed by an instructor to make sure I was doing all the strokes correctly. It took a lot of time and work. I took my first steps to becoming FasciAshi certified in early July last year and you can see the date on the certificate says December. This didn’t just happen overnight, it was a conscious movement toward a goal.

There’s a lot of discussion in the massage therapy community on whether or not certification in any given modality means anything. “Experts” in our field will stand up and say, with confidence, that it means nothing because it’s not regulated and there are no standards. BUT I’m here to tell you that Center for Barefoot Massage put some standards into their certification process and make us do real work before they will give us the title of Certified FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist.

Certification is important for a lot of reasons.

I want to be confident in my skills, so I do extra work outside of class to make sure that I’m good at what I do. I want my clients and prospective clients to be confident in my skills, so I do extra work outside of class to make sure that I can meet all the requirements to earn the certification AND the confidence of my instructors. And I also want my community to view me as an expert in my field, so I do extra work outside of class to become a trusted resource on barefoot massage.

You want to be good at what you do?

Do extra work outside of class to become better. It’s easy (sort of) if you love it!

If you’re interested in becoming better at what you do and becoming FasciAshi certified check out Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center and come train with us.

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center is Now Open!

I am so excited to announce that after 10 years of dreaming, planning, spending a lot of time, money, and energy traveling and training that Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center is now a reality!

Since my very first Ashiatsu barefoot massage class way back in 2009, I have dreamed about being able to bring this wonderful modality to Alabama on a larger scale. Not only is this work one of the most profound and effective types of massage I have ever received, it has allowed me to save my body giving massage so that I can be of even greater service to my clients.

By finally accomplishing this goal of opening Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center, I will be able to help other massage therapists learn to use their feet, save their hands, arms, necks, and backs. This will allow more massage therapists to bring this myofascially-based ashiatsu to many more people multiplying the potential of the number of people who can benefit from this work.

As a client, I know you’re probably wondering what this means for you. Well, you may be glad to know that each time I teach we will need guest clients for our student clinic. This will give you the opportunity to come in to a student clinic to receive barefoot massage from students for a discounted rate!

If you’re a massage therapist wanting to learn barefoot massage, head on over to the Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center page for more information on class schedules, locations, dates, times, etc. Our first class will be taking place March 2019 and we’d love to see you there!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center is Now Open! Read More »

Alabama Ashiatsu Travel FAQ!

FasciAshi barefoot therapists learning

Welcome to Decatur, Alabama!

Welcome to Decatur, Alabama (aka the River City), host to Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center the Alabama Campus for Center for Barefoot Massage! Sharon and her support team at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology are excited to welcome you to your next barefoot massage class.

This is your “insider’s guide” to all you need to know before you arrive. Decatur is a beautiful place, if you’re traveling consider extending your stay an extra day to take in some of what our lovely area has to offer!

Training Location:

The Alabama Campus of the Center for Barefoot Massage is located at:
1900 Flint Road, Decatur, AL. Click here to see a map!

We are located inside the brick house next door to Webb-Awtrey Insurance Agency. The training location is a shared space inside Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology. Please park in the back of the building as the limited parking spaces in front are reserved for clients.

Travel Suggestions:

Huntsville International Airport is located approximately 30 minutes from the training location. It’s closer, but usually a little more expensive. Birmingham-Shuttlesworth Airport is approximately 1.5 hours from the training location. Usually the cheaper option, you can catch a Southwest flight here, but you’ll have to rent transportation.

Lodging Suggestions:

The Loft in Hartselle – 15 minutes from training center
AirBnb has many availabilities in the Hartselle, Madison, and Athens areas. Be aware that Decatur has made AirBnBs and other short-term private rentals illegal.
There are several large chain hotels located on Beltline Road 5-10 minutes from the training center.

Coffee & Eats:

Java Jaay’s is a couple of blocks down 6th Avenue from the training center and they have a drive through! Please consider supporting our local businesses first, but if you must have Starbucks the closest is going to be inside Target on the corner of Hwy 31 and Hwy 67.

The Brick Deli & Tavern is uptown and is exactly what it sounds like. Let’s Do Lunch is an adorable little lunch counter with interesting and delicious options. Current: Coffee and Collectibles, West Side Coffee Place & Cafe, and Whitt’s BBQ are more local options that serve lunch. And don’t forget Mad Hatter’s Tea Shop & Apothecary inside Urban Atlas for an interesting local beverage experience. The Rail Yard and Bank Street Grill are other local favorites that are a little more upscale. There is a grocery store and a few chain restaurants that are walkable from the training center. Transportation will open access to many more that we can talk about during our time together.

See the Sights:

Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge is right down the street. Take a hike out to the observation building and see what kinds of waterfowl are in season. Check out the interpretive center and five different walking trails. It’s also all FREE!

Other nearby outdoor activities include Delano Park & Rose Gardens, Point Mallard, Hurricane Park, Bankhead National Forest, and Alabama Scenic River Trail.

Into history? Go see the Old State Bank Building on historic Bank Street and the Confederate Museum.

We are also directly across the street from Upsurge, Decatur’s indoor trampoline facility. And a short drive across the river will bring you to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center.

There is so much to do and see in our area you may want to extend your training into a mini-vacation that you can write off!


From Huntsville International Airport travel west on I-565 to Hwy 31 south/6th Avenue. Turn left onto Corsbie Street. Corsbie Street turns into Flint Road in front of Upsurge. We are directly across from the Upsurge loading dock next door to Webb-Awtrey Insurance Agency.

From Birmingham-Shuttlesworth Airport travel north on I-65 to the Priceville exit (#334, AL-67). Take AL-67 north (turn left) to Hwy 31/6th Avenue. Turn right onto Hwy 31/6th Avenue. Turn right onto Corsbie Street. Corsbie Street turns into Flint Road in front of Upsurge. We are directly across from the Upsurge loading dock next door to Webb-Awtrey Insurance Agency.

Happy travels, we can’t wait to see you here!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Top Secret Ashiatsu Training

ashiatsu top secretSo I’ll be going out of town (again) for a few days.

I’ll be taking a class, but I can’t tell you exactly what it is because it’s a top secret project that some of my ashiatsu barefoot massage cohorts have been working on. They’ll be teaching this new and hush, hush ashiatsu method to a few of us so we can test it all out before it rolls out to the general public. Never fear though, unless they swear me to further secrecy I will be bringing it home and trying it out on whoever wants to lay on my table!

I’m excited about this trip not only because of the new skills, but also because I’m returning to my ashiatsu roots. This training is in Cincinnati at Affinity Massage Studios with my original instructor, Mary-Claire Fredette, from all those many years ago.

I’ll be back in the office Monday, September 24th!

Check out my online schedule to see what’s open next week if you want to get on my table!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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Sights From San Antonio

Many of you already know I recently went to San Antonio, TX for a big training. I took what is formally called FasciAshi Fundamentals which is a big fancy phrase for more Ashiatsu barefoot massage training. What that means to you, I have new techniques to help you get out of pain!

It was a lot of very hard work, but I am so energized and proud to be bringing these new skills to my clients.

Enjoy the photo show!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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