Business & Marketing for Massage

Raising Awareness One Foot at a Time

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy
Ashi Portables

In celebration of National Massage Therapy Awareness Week, I’ll be hauling out the portables and setting up at Pool Doctors in Decatur, AL.So if you’re curious about the barefoot massage thing come on out to see me on October 25th from 2pm – 5pm at the Pool Doctors (1207 Central Pkwy SW, Decatur, AL)

You can watch for a few minutes and then hop on the table for a free sample!

Hope to see you there!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Barefoot Massage!

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National Thank A Police Officer Day

Thank an officer2I was contacted recently by a friend asking me to sponsor a food tray for Decatur Police Department. Seems it’s National Thank a Police Officer Day and they want to say, “Thank You!” by making sure that all three shifts are covered for their meals while at work.

Of course I agreed with a big, old donation and some brochures.

I’ve always been an avid supporter of the police. Whatever your opinions on the police, we really don’t want to live in a world without them. Police officers are important and they do a very difficult job. Most never make the news and silently fight the demons they collect while on the job.

And while I’m thankful for all those things that our officers do every day in the line of duty, there’s one officer out there who holds a very special place in my heart. I don’t know his name, but I remember him like he was standing in front of me right now.

I was six and sporting a big, old bandage and brace on my right foot and ankle. The ankle was stitched up from a fall on some glass and I was on crutches. My mom and I had been out on post to do some business and as we were leaving the car started smoking real bad. She pulled over, looked at me and said, “Stay in the car.” Then she disappeared.

The car continued to smoke and continued to smoke and continued to smoke and even at six I was getting worried and trying to figure out how to get out of the car without getting in trouble. I wasn’t really one to disobey much, I was scared of the whoopin’.

Suddenly the door flew open and this big MP reached in and grabbed me out of the car. I remember the way his arms squeezed me as he ran away from the car.

It left an impression.

Now, to be honest the car was never actually on fire. It was a bad overheating situation, but he didn’t know that. He saw a lot of smoke, thought the car was on fire, and saw a distressed kid in the car. He did what anyone would do and what just happened to be his job. He made a friend for life and has always been a good cop ambassador to me.

I share this story with a lot of people and now here because the police get so much bad press and even though I’m one voice I think it’s important to realize that these folks are our everyday heroes and we need to start appreciating them as such. They do a hard job. One that most of us couldn’t handle.

So, THANK YOU, to all our officers out there. And thanks to My Special MP.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Ashi-Thai Massage!

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AMTA National Convention 2013 – It’s September Already?

Let’s Get in The Way Back Machine

A while back I wrote here about going to AMTA-Alabama Chapter Annual Convention where I was teaching a Facebook class. That all went very well and I’m not sure why I didn’t write a followup on it. There was a lot of news to share following that meeting and I probably meant to write, but life got in the way and well, here it is September and I’m just getting around to it.

The reason I’m finally getting around to letting you know what happened in May is because it affects September. So… here goes…

Way back in May at that AMTA-Alabama Chapter Annual Convention I ran for Board of Director’s Member at Large Position 1. I won unopposed (still surprised). For giggles I also threw my hat in the ring for a delegate position. There was no way I was going to get the delegate position because I am a newer volunteer and there are lots of others who have been around and doing way longer than I have. Well, shocker of all shockers, I won a delegate seat.

Delegate for what?

You may be thinking right about now, “Delegate for what?” Delegate to the AMTA National Convention in Ft. Worth, TX, next week, GULP!

Surely they’re not paying for us to show up and look pretty

I don’t know what I thought a delegate was to do. I ran mostly so I could learn what that part of the process was all about and get a (mostly) all-expense paid trip to AMTA National Convention.

I’ve already taken some online training and am doing my best to keep up with the Google Group for the House of Delegates, but I am drinking from the fire hose. Apparently a delegate’s job is to evaluate position statements and associated research brought forth by members then vote on the position statements to steer the position of the entire AMTA on the massage profession. Who knew it was going to be such an awesome undertaking?

So this week starts the final prep of paperwork and collecting AMTA-Alabama member votes for the different position statements and hoping that I’ve looked at all the right studies. I’m self-conscious about my research evaluation skills as I am pretty sure that Sociological Stats class I took in 1990 has been completely purged from my brain. The only thing I remember about that class is bell curves and a Chinese international student who got to pick her name (Stephanie) when she came to the U.S.

There is more Delegate training to be had when I arrive in Ft. Worth. I’ll be paying close attention as I really don’t want to mess this up.

Surprise! More Classes!

After the House of Delegates meetings are complete I’ll have an all-access pass to the convention. I plan on taking a class with the very well-known James Waslaski and an instructor I do not know for Thai Massage on the Table. I hope to come back with lots of new tools. I’ve been invited to a secret Ashi-sister party where something I’ve been wanting to try for a very long time might be available (this is a teaser 🙂 you’ll have to come back later to find out what it is if it actually pans out).

My goal after the convention is to actually update all you lovely readers on the happenings and highlights of AMTA National Convention 2013. I’ll probably have to sleep for a couple of days before anything will make sense. The schedule is somewhat INSANE! But I do want to get that done before next year’s convention rolls around because, yep, you guessed it, Delegate terms are for two years!

If you want to follow my trip to the convention, I’ll be posting over on the Harvest Moon Massage Therapy Facebook Page, the AMTA-Alabama Chapter Facebook Page, the AMTA-Alabama Facebook Group and if all goes well on Twitter @SharonB013 while I’m gone. If I have an extra moment I may figure out if it’s possible to do some mobile blogging as well.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy!

AMTA National Convention 2013 – It’s September Already? Read More »

Summer Vacation Time!

Harvest Moon Massage TherapyThis year’s summer vacation was one of those, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” type things.

So if you’re seeing this post, you can believe that I’m in Florida taking a much needed sabbatical from the stresses of daily life and (hopefully) getting several great massages.

I’ll be back soon and Harvest Moon will re-open Monday, August 12th. Until then!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Fijian Island Massage!

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Put It In Park

ParkingThere are improvements afoot at the office and they are not so subtle.

We had the parking lot striped with the spots labeled for our clients. Apparently during the day (while I wasn’t there) we were having a huge influx of vehicles fill up our lot leaving no room for the therapists and clients who were coming in for a massage. So after talking with the landlord we were given permission to stripe our parking spaces in front of our offices.

Unfortunately the guy who labeled the spots sort of got it wrong. It was supposed to say, “Massage Therapy”.

We’ve had clients pull up to park and then move their car because they thought the spots were reserved for the therapists. This is not the case, if you are a client, please park in the labeled spots.

Other than the unfortunate spelling errors the new striping and labeling are working out great! Clients are having an easier time finding parking in our small lot and it’s the first time I’ve ever had a parking place that welcomed me. The only thing better would be to have a parking place with my name actually on it.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Ashi-Thai Massage!

Put It In Park Read More »

Dark and Light

I recently had an experience that opened my eyes about work and environment.

It’s rare that I do massage anywhere but my office. Occasionally in the floor at home or on location, but it’s rare. Sometimes someone will hire me to come to their location and do a massage, that is even more rare. Regardless, I recently visited away from home and did an Ashi massage on someone else’s setup.

The bars were fine, configured a little short for my taste, but nothing unmanageable. While working, I kept getting lost. I would find myself wondering how many Warriors have I done? Was that Mortisha’s Rack #2 or #3? I hope it’s not #4. Eek!

Anyway, I started really having to pay attention to what I was doing and feeling and it took a while, but I finally realized the difficulty was the room. There was no window and it was dark by design. There were lots of sparkly bits scattered about, a silvered shawl thrown over the frame of a mirror, a bowl full of glass ornaments, a jar of lights. Shadow and light everywhere made the place even darker and deeper than it actually was and gave the room the feeling of being very small and very full. It was all so interesting my brain kept getting lost exploring the shadowed nooks.

After I finished the massage and headed home I kept thinking about how the style was so very different from mine. I’ve always been a bit self-conscious about my sense of style. So much so that I will gladly tell you I am doing well to dress myself in the morning. If my clothes are cute, it’s probably an accident. Therefore, when it came time to decorate my massage office I was practically catatonic.

I knew even before I went to massage school that I wanted to have a light theme. I didn’t want a dark office. I find nothing wrong with the dark, rich decor usually found in massage treatment rooms, I just knew it wasn’t me and I probably wouldn’t be happy with it.

I was lucky in that I found an affordable space that was large and had a window. Somehow I decided on a color, painted, moved the furniture and equipment in and decided what to put on the shelves. Since then I’ve  slowly added art to the walls, hooks for hanging clothes, and made a curtain for the big window. There are more things that need to be done that will affect the aesthetic of the room, but it is a process finding and creating the things I need.

And in driving home last week, thinking about the massage I’d just finished in someone else’s lovely office surrounded by their lovely things that help them through the day, I realized how much I love my office and all the things that I’ve collected that help me through.

When decorating my office I tried to make sure everything had a purpose, the dark, swirly bowl to hold jewelry, three flower-shaped metal hooks for hanging clothing, chairs from the old Decatur High library that were to be tossed out for seating. In the crush of practicality and need I somehow managed to pick out beautiful, meaningful things that I love.

For me, this is new. Not just the realization that I shouldn’t be so self-conscious about my style, my clients seem to love my office, but also the awareness that workspace and the things in it effect my mood and job performance. I know these things about my home, what took me so long to connect the dots at work? I suppose I’m finally realizing that, like everything else, it’s a journey.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy Massage!

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2013 AMTA-AL Spring Convention – Refresh Your Career

facebook-iconMany of you may already know that I am heavily involved with AMTA-Alabama Chapter. So it won’t be any surprise when I tell you that I’m going to the spring convention next weekend.

I’m nervous about it. Not the drive or meeting new people, I’m nervous about the class I’m teaching.

I’ve hinted at it a couple of times, but here it is for all the world, I’m going to be teaching a class called “Using Facebook to Promote Your Massage Business”. It’s all about marketing yourself on Facebook by using a Facebook Page.

I shouldn’t be nervous, I’ve done the research and made some charts for folks to look at. I know what I’m going to present, but still, I’m nervous. A little of it is the whole public speaking thing, but I’m always a little nervous when I have to do that and I usually get over that part of it as soon as class starts. I think the biggest part of it is that it’s massage. And I so love massage and respect the people who teach it that I don’t want to be crappy at it.

And then there’s the whole control freak part of me that keeps repeating, “What if they don’t bring their laptops? What you going to do then?” Eeek!

Maybe I’m putting too much pressure on myself, surely someone wouldn’t sign up for a Facebook class without bringing their computer especially when the registration form says, “Bring a laptop”.

Anyway, I’m going to try to relax a little. The charts are inches away from being done. I plan on finalizing them tomorrow and getting the copies made. I wonder how many people have signed up?

Now if Facebook would just stop changing things. They would have to roll out changes as soon as I got all my graphics fixed. But I have a solution for that too, teaching moment! Plus I’m too lazy (and don’t have time) to re-do them all.

Here’s some info on the Convention if you’d like to go!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Newest Provider of Rossiter System pain relief techniques!

2013 AMTA-AL Spring Convention – Refresh Your Career Read More »

I Did It!

And there you have it, folks! 20 posts in 28 days. Woo  hoo! You’ll understand that I’m going to be taking a short break from posting. Plan on something new mid-March unless I get spring fever or find something exciting to tell you.

Now I’m off to sleep…zzz…. right after I finish my March newsletter and that Thai class I was telling you about… zzz… okay, maybe just a short nap…

But before I go a big THANK YOU to Dawn & Kelli at the Business Blogging School!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Exclusive Provider of Bamboo-Fusion Massage

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