2022 Barefoot Massage Training Schedule!

I really don’t know how I’ve neglected to drop the 2022 Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center schedule here. It’s been busy is all I can say. And seems like every time I thought I had everything straightened out, something else would change.

Regardless of future changes, right now this is where we stand.

In addition to the entry-level myofascial Ashiatsu Fundamentals and Fijian Barefoot Massage classes, I’ll be teaching a couple of Intermediate Ashiatsu classes this year. Did I neglect to tell you I finally finished my Intermediate Instructor Certification? Yes? No? Refer to above where I said it had been sorta busy. That instructor certification was not the easiest thing I’ve ever done.

I’m Taking Fijian on the Road!

I’ll be traveling to Kentucky and Georgia to teach Fijian in March and September respectively. Palpation Prep School of Massage in Benton, KY, tried to host Fijian in 2020, but COVID-19 messed that up so we’re trying again. If you’re in western KY or anywhere surrounding that area, come join us!

The Georgia Fijian class will be hosted at Terramar Wellness Center in Carrollton, GA, and I am so excited to visit this location. I’ve been following TerraMar Wellness since I first taught one of the owners when I was still in my Fundamentals Instructor Training. Also, they have a float tank and I absolutely cannot wait to make a reservation for that. I might float every single day I’m over there!

And Dawn’s Coming to Teach ROM!

I’m also really excited about hosting a ROM class here at the Decatur campus. That one is happening in May and Dawn Dotson from our Center for Barefoot Massage New York campus will be here to teach it. You may remember her from when I took ROM last September.

So, as you can see, there’s going to be a lot going on as far as barefoot massage training classes this year. And I’m really pumped about being able to road trip and take Fijian out into different communities as well as hosting other instructors locally.

Students, if you’re here for the barefoot massage training, register over here. Registration is open for everything you see here.
Alumni, if you have your eye on a particular class I don’t teach, let me know and I’ll see about getting one of our other instructors to come teach it here.
Clients, if you want to get scheduled in for a clinic appointment, text me and let me know!

2022 Barefoot Massage Training Schedule! Read More »

Massage is Weird – A Book Review

Massage is Weird: How to Beat Burnout and Kick Butt as a Massage Therapist by Ian Harvey

This book is actually very much a breath of fresh air in the massage industry. It’s a return to logic and common sense with a bit of social psychology thrown in and none of the usual social media mother-henning and overly emotional responses.

He addresses self-doubt, boundaries, educating clients, germs, creeps, trauma, business topics, client communication tactics, different causes of burn out, massage myths, and of course Ian’s specialty, massaging like a sloth! In short, anything that seems to professionally contribute to burnout, he’s covered it. And it’s all delivered in a coherent, gentle, and well thought out manner.

Overall I found this book very well organized. And while there’s nothing earth shattering or even new here, I would recommend this book for every new or struggling massage therapist because the information is succinct, applicable, and accessible. The layout is such that you can locate the topic of interest without having to read the whole book to find what you need. I do recommend reading the whole thing through at least once though. For those of us who have been around a while, I recommend reading it to support our industry cohort and to see the unique perspective his background offers to our work.

Happy Reading!

Ian Harvey’s Massage Sloth Website is here if you want to learn more about him and his Massage Sloth style.

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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FasciAshi ROM: Stretch Therapy

A photo of Sharon performing a ROM stretch to the client's arm

What is ROM?

FasciAshi ROM is Range of Motion: Stretch Therapy and I’ve been waiting to take this class for over a year. Covid-19 really kicked the can down the road as far as marking goals off the list, but it finally happened.

Years ago, I’d taken a Thai-inspired barefoot massage class and I’ve used it for years, but this was totally different. Perhaps I’ve thrown a stretch or two into a session in the past, but I always found it difficult to integrate those moves because they were designed for the client to stay clothed. With these new ROM skills you’ll find more stretches during your current barefoot massages because they’re easier, not only on my body, but to just throw a stretch in here and there without having to worry about exposure.

One of the other things I found with this class is attention to the ‘Why’. Why would I use this particular stretch or compression? The attention to ‘Why’ makes it much easier to know when it’s appropriate to use these techniques. Got a Charley Horse? There’s a stretch that addresses gastrocs and soleus (the muscles that are typically involved in that kind of cramp). Hip flexors tight and sore after training and running that 5K? There’s a stretch for that, a few, actually. And then there’s those stretches that feel great but are sneaky effective in areas you wouldn’t expect. Fascia is amazing that way and ROM most certainly addresses the fascial system.

How Do I Get My ROM?

All that to say, ROM is definitely on the menu. You’ll find it under Stretch Therapy if you’re trying to book it yourself. Otherwise, just ask me next time we book your appointment if you’d like to try it. I can integrate it into your regular barefoot massage appointment, or we can go straight up Stretch Therapy with a blend of ROM, facilitated stretching, and some of that Thai-inspired barefoot massage.

Can I Learn FasciAshi ROM?

For those of you wanting to learn FasciAshi ROM, Dawn Dotson from our New York Campus will be here at Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center in May! Register here. Class will be small, and yes, we will need clients for clinic. If you want to come experience the classroom version of ROM, let me know!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Fennel & Lemon Tea: A Digestive Soother

dehydrated lemon slices and fennel seeds

All the Thanksgiving foods have my tummy feeling off…

If you, like me, ate too many things you’re not accustomed to while celebrating Thanksgiving this year, never fear. I have a tummy soother that is tasty and easy to make with basic kitchen ingredients.

This Fennel and Lemon Tea has only a few simple ingredients:

  • Fennel Seeds
  • Lemon
  • Hot Water
  • Your Sweetener of Choice (optional)

So you’ll need a cup and a tea ball or infuser. In the tea ball, you’ll want to put about a teaspoon of fennel seed. Crushing the fennel seed will give you a stronger, more potent experience, but it’s not necessary. Drop that in your cup and throw in a lemon wedge or round and top with hot water. Let steep for 5-10 minutes. Remove the tea ball (unless you really love fennel, it gets strong and bitter after a while) and add your sweetener of choice. Honey is always good if you can tolerate it. I usually opt for stevia for a no sugar experience. Be sure to take a moment to savor the warmth in your hands and the aroma of the steam. This is a really nice cup of health, enjoy!

Why it Works!

Fennel seed has a mild flavor that you’re probably already familiar with. For me, no mild Italian sausage is right without the distinct flavor of fennel. It’s also used in a candy everyone knows, licorice! Fennel seed also contains several vitamins and minerals that are important for more cellular functions than I care to list today. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, some studies have shown it mildly curbs the appetite (which may be helpful after eating so much for Thanksgiving), has anti-cancer properties in concentrated form, helps bring in or improve milk for new mothers, and is helpful for our colicky little ones. And this is an abbreviated list of uses without even getting into the particulars of cooking with it.

The reason I’m writing about it today is because it is well-known for improving digestion and relieving gas pain. The fennel seed has a diuretic effect which helps with bloating (hello, Thanksgiving!), it has a lot of fiber which helps the digestive tract work more efficiently, and also features chemical compounds that allow the muscles of the digestive tract to relax which allows gasses to exit as designed. The only drawbacks to fennel seed that I can find is that it can be an estrogenic. If you’re struggling with estrogen dominance you may want to try another herb.

Lemon for flavor, a little acid kick, and to stimulate digestion. Acid? Yes, acid. Now if you are already suffering from excess acid, you want to be careful with how much lemon you’re using. If you have low acid, this will be very helpful for getting the stomach contents moving out into the intestines. Lemons stimulate digestion through a fiber called pectin. Pectin is also a good pre-biotic which gives your gut microbes good food to chew on for longer term intestinal health. You’ll notice in the photo the lemons are dehydrated. These work as well though the acid profile is different than fresh lemon or lemon juice. I prefer the dehydrated lemons because the sugars have caramelized, and the flavor is amazing. Also, they don’t grow a green sheen in my crisper drawer which is very likely to happen to fresh lemons in my house.

Stevia, my typical sweetener of choice, is also an herb. And it has its own digestive benefits as it’s full of inulin fiber which is again a powerful pre-biotic. If you’ve never used it, start slow. It has a tendency to go bitter in large amounts and the fiber can cause gas if your digestive tract isn’t accustomed to handling fibers.

Bonus Belly Herb

If you’re experiencing gripping or cramping, try adding a couple of coins of ginger. Powdered ginger will also work in this Fennel & Lemon Tea.

So, there it is… a little cup of herbs and spices for a happier belly. This tea will be a lovely addition to your digestive repertoire. It’s mild, tastes good, the ingredients are easily accessible, and generally regarded as safe even for kids.

Let me know what you think in the comments if you try this Fennel & Lemon Tea!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

Fennel & Lemon Tea: A Digestive Soother Read More »

Research Says…Deep Tissue Massage is Better!

A massage therapist performing barefoot massage with an overlay of the words, "Is your massage research based?"

Have you ever noticed that barefoot massage therapists and their clients talk about barefoot massage like it’s something even better than massage? There’s a reason for that! For all the claims we make about it being great for pain and stress, sometimes we forget to talk about why we believe our work is head and shoulders above the rest.

First, we stand on the table while we work so we are literally, physically “head and shoulders” above most other therapists. Second, barefoot massage is, by its very nature, deep tissue massage.

Because we have access to all of our body weight when applying pressure, we are uniquely positioned to offer a targeted and much deeper deep tissue experience than a hands-on massage therapist can deliver.

Good News!

Research supports what we barefoot massage therapists already know. A 2011 study by Romanowski, Romanowska, and Grzeskowiak compared the effects of Therapeutic Massage techniques to Deep Tissue Massage techniques for chronic low back pain. It found that Therapeutic Massage techniques were good, but Deep Tissue Massage techniques offered significantly greater results in pain relief.

In case you want to dig down into the numbers or the very specific techniques that comprise Therapeutic versus Deep Tissue massage, you can read A Comparison of the Effects of Deep Tissue Massage and Therapeutic Massage on Chronic Low Back pain here or the full study can be found here.

And yes, we can do all those things with our feet. Excepting the parts about fingers, we just use a different part of our foot to accomplish the techniques they’re referring to in the study. Our training also teaches us how to very carefully and specifically use our body weight and feet to safely access muscles, tendons, and ligaments to deliver a very deep pressure massage.

And this isn’t the only study that shows massage therapy is good for low back pain. Another study comparing massage therapy versus relaxation techniques concluded that massage therapy is effective in reducing pain, stress hormones and symptoms associated with chronic low back pain. It also found that massage therapy improves range of motion in the same study.

It’s great to see more research being conducted on massage therapy and its benefits. It’s even better that we finally have scientific proof that massage therapy works!

#barefootmassagechallenge #barefootmassage Center for Barefoot Massage

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

Research Says…Deep Tissue Massage is Better! Read More »

Too Legit to Quit

Gosh there is a lot to keep up with as a professionally licensed massage therapist when it comes to keeping yourself current and legitimate.

State massage therapy licensing, insurance, business licensing, taxes (ugh!), professional memberships and organizations, Board Certifications, modality endorsements and certifications all combined keep us accountable to our clients, our community, and our profession.

I spend hours every year making sure that everything is in order.

How about you?

Massage therapy, as a profession, is largely misunderstood. You’ve heard the comments and questions from clients and your salty uncle. And if that’s not bad enough, large swaths of the medical and related professional communities try to dismiss and ignore us. Which is why it’s really, really important that we are diligent in keeping our licenses, insurances, professional memberships, and certifications in order.

Doing the right thing in your business not only applies to how you treat your clientele, it also applies to your professionalism in being a good steward of your local community as well as your professional community. It is our responsibility, each one of us, to hold our profession in the highest regard.

How do we do that?

We do it by being impeccable in our professionalism. We do it by maintaining all of these licenses, memberships, and credentials properly, by supporting our cohorts in their professional journey, and by holding them accountable when necessary. We do it by serving as credible experts in our field.

Need to up your game?

Here’s a few references in case something here has inspired you to up your game!

Alabama Board of Massage Therapy
American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
Alabama AMTA
National Certification Board and Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)
Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE)
Center for Barefoot Massage

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a professional, licensed massage therapist in the state of Alabama, click here.

#BarefootMassageChallenge #BarefootMassage

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

Too Legit to Quit Read More »

What is Barefoot Massage?

Barefoot massage is a collection of styles of massage performed with the therapist’s feet. In addition to using their hands, barefoot massage therapists use their feet to deliver a deeper massage than what can safely and comfortably (for both) be achieved with the hands. That might look like a therapist on the table using overhead support during the massage or it may be you on a mat on the floor as the therapist is standing and/or seated to deliver the massage. You may be clothed or unclothed depending on the style of barefoot massage you’re about to experience.

A photo of the sole of a foot as it engages the muscles of the back with a description overlaid that says, "What is Barefoot Massage"

I am trained in several different styles of barefoot massage and regularly offer three unique barefoot services. Why only three if I’m trained in more than that? Because learning many different methods and skills tend to inform all of my work and I chose to simplify the offerings into three distinct categories.

Photo of a barefoot massage therapist performing neck massage with an overlaid description of "Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage is Deep Tissue"

What is Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage?

I offer what I call Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage. This method has the client lying unclothed and draped on the table while I use my feet to compress, glide, and distract the client’s tissues to achieve a therapeutic, myofascial, deep tissue massage. I will also use an overhead support structure for balance and support as well as a suspended strap to lean into for lateral body work. This style of massage offers a comfortably deep experience that addresses muscle, fascia, and joint function. Other barefoot massage practitioners may define ashiatsu as something different depending on when and where they were trained.

A photo of a barefoot massage therapist performing the Happy Baby stretch on a client with an overlay description of "Ashiatsu + Thai Barefoot Massage is Stretch Therapy"

What is Barefoot Stretch Therapy?

I also offer Barefoot Stretch Therapy which involves the client on the table, typically clothed unless it’s integrated with other massage sessions. During Barefoot Stretch Therapy I will again use my feet to guide the client’s body through a series of Thai Yoga stretches, range of motion movements, and muscle compressions. Barefoot Stretch Therapy is a very effective method for keeping joints moving throughout their healthy range of motion, encouraging synovial fluid to flood and nourish the joints, and easing pain associated with arthritis.

A photo of the lower leg receiving Fijian Barefoot Massage with an overlaid description of "Fijian Barefoot Massage is Sports Massage"

What is Fijian Barefoot Massage?

Fijian Barefoot Massage is the third barefoot service I regularly offer. It is what you’ll see me doing if you find me at an outdoor event or a health and wellness fair. This massage finds a fully-clothed client on a mat on the floor where I’ll use my feet to perform a compressive, neuromuscular, sports-style massage. This technique is a faster paced massage that I perform seated or standing using a chair or suspended strap for any needed support. It’s an aggressive technique that is deep, but you won’t find a therapist using their full body weight or both feet during this massage. This style of barefoot massage is a great option for massage anywhere and benefits athletic recovery as well as weekend warriors who have overdone it.

So as you can see, barefoot massage is, simply, massage. We just happen to do that massage with our feet!

I hope this article helps you understand a little more about these different styles of massage. I also hope it helps you decide what type of massage might work best for you!

#BarefootMassageChallenge | For more information on learning Barefoot Massage, visit Center for Barefoot Massage and Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center.

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Part 2

Certificate of Completion for The Roll Model Method Correspondence Course

So in this next edition of Learning in the Time of COVID-19, I want to tell you about a correspondence course that I took early on in our shutdown phase. It’s called the Roll Model Method and it’s something I’ve been interested in for a while, but just never had the time to really dig into.

Time definitely hasn’t been a problem with this Stay at Home and now Safer at Home business so when I discovered they had a correspondence course I jumped at it!

The correspondence course came with a textbook and a complete set of the balls that you need to make your way through the coursework. Which is a plus since it comes right to your door and you don’t have to be traipsing all over the place looking for equipment.

What is it, exactly?

rubber ball rolling for elbow pain

Good question! It’s a self-care modality using squishy, grabby, rubbery balls to give yourself a myofascial “massage”. I’m using those quotation marks (#quotationmarksmatter) around massage because it’s NOTHING like what happens on a massage table with a professional, trained massage therapist. But it does give you some of the benefits of a massage – like pain and stress relief. Is it going to “fix” an issue? Maybe, maybe not, but it gives you some agency over your healing in a time when you can’t get to your massage therapist.

Why do I want to give myself a “massage”?

Because right now, if you can find a massage therapist who is working, they’re swamped and you can’t get in to see them. And because you probably have some sort of pain that could be helped with a little bit of attention. And if you can’t identify any pain, you probably have some stress, anxiety, or grief happening.

Wait, these balls can help with stress?

Yep, I was skeptical at first too, but as I made my way through the coursework I started to notice that the time I spent with with the squishy orbs became meditative and was activating my parasympathetic system (rest and digest). And if you’ve been around me at all you already know there’s a lot of science behind meditation and parasympathetic activation. Oh! AND, I learned a body hack to activate the parasympathetic system while taking this class. It makes so much sense and I already knew it, but had never put the science with the actions until I was talking to a colleague who was also taking the class. If you want to learn more about that, take a look at my Idle Sole Wellness Series where I talk about a lot of body hacks (including this one) for taming stress and anxiety.

Want to learn more?

Well, you can go get your own correspondence course or you can call me and we can customize a plan for you that targets your specific issues. And, best of all (for right now), we can do it virtually so no worries about transmitting those COVID cooties to one another!

But…I’m having trouble concentrating right now

Totally normal. No, really, there’s a lot of evidence that when we’re in states of high stress it’s really hard to concentrate. That’s why I’m introducing you to this form of self-care and giving you the option of working with me versus having to read the whole textbook. Anything that helps us drop out of that sympathetic (fight, flight, freeze) nervous system state into the more relaxed, rest and digest state is a good thing to learn!

Peace, y’all! I hope everyone is well and safe and learning in the time of COVID-19 in whatever form those lessons may be.

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Part 2 Read More »

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center!

This last year has been a, “Blink and you missed it,” kind of year. I can hardly believe it’s been an entire year since Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center opened its doors to students!

Sadly, we are still closed due to COVID-19. In fact, we should be teaching Fijian Barefoot Massage this weekend, but nothing is normal right now.

Check out the schedule below for other opportunities for training this year! We are hoping it will be safe enough to run our classes as soon as July.

2020 Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center Schedule

See something you like? Go ahead and register for it!

Happy Anniversary! Read More »

Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Part 1

So it’s not that I wanted to spend even more money on learning in the time of COVID-19. What with still not being back to work, but I figured it would be less stressful to get my NCBTMB Board Certification requirements done. Last night I spent a couple of hours getting my Ethics hours done, filling out the NCBTMB application, and of course paying the fees.

I got my paper saying that I passed the test, the email saying my application was accepted and under review, and now I wait for my new certificate to come in the mail.

What are you learning during the time of COVID-19? If the answer is, “I can’t concentrate on anything right now,” there’s a reason for that and it’s perfectly ok. I had a hard time getting through this ethics course because it’s so hard to concentrate right now.

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!

Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Part 1 Read More »