What’s One More Hour?

SleepCurveWith Spring Forward recently behind us and the ensuing Monday morning pain of getting up an hour earlier while pretending I’m really not, I got to thinking about being robbed of one more hour of sleep.

According to the CDC insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic. I Googled “American sleep deficit” and got 30,300,000 hits. That’s millions of articles about Americans and their sleepiness and that doesn’t even cover all of them. So a bunch of studies tell us that as Americans, we are chronically sleep deprived. Do I really need to convince you that we’re not getting enough sleep to begin with? You’re probably tired right now and I’ll bet you didn’t get 8 solid hours last night. I know I sure didn’t.

Lack of sleep is implicated in weight gain, stress, depression, and time change in particular is implicated in a rise of heart attacks. Scary stuff…

So with all this bad news, what can we do to log more pillow time?

  • Avoid caffeine and other chemical stimulants after 3pm to give your body time to process and eliminate it
  • Avoid large meals too close to your bedtime. Digestion is different for everyone so I can’t tell you when to stop eating, but uncomfortably large meals will affect your ability to settle into sleep and stay asleep. We’ve all had it happen.
  • Set a bedtime – Sounds like a no-brainer, but do you have a bedtime? If it sounds like this, “Well, I usually go to bed after…,” then the answer is no. If it sounds like, “I go to bed at 10:30 unless my kid is sick,” then the answer is yes.
  • Cultivate a routine – Start a bedtime routine and stick to it. Set your alarm clock to remind you when it’s time to start your bedtime routine. I do this and I hate it, but I find it necessary or I continue to watch tv, work a puzzle, play on Facebook, etc.
  • Log off – Make the first part of your bedtime routine to shut down all the screens in your area. Studies are continually released proving that the light from all our screen time is messing with our melatonin levels and ability to go to sleep. I still struggle with this as I tend to surf Facebook and Pinterest as a relaxation aid.
  • Relax – After logging off, put on your jammies, wash your face, take your medicine and get all your other prep activities finished. Now do something to relax. Drink a cup of herbal tea, read a book, meditate, pray, snuggle up, whatever it is that relaxes your body and mind.
  • Turn out the lights – Where you sleep needs to be dark. Really dark, like ‘can’t see your hand in front of your face’ dark. No street lights shining in the window, no night lights, no TV’s, no blinking battery chargers, no digital clocks or DVRs beaming the time at you all night long. Dark, dark, dark so your melatonin can do its job.
  • Give yourself permission to rest – I know it sounds all hippy dippy, but we have really let this culture of busy-ness take over. It’s okay to take a break from the break-neck speed that is our world.

I think of the whole life rhythm as a bell curve or sine wave. Before you start your bedtime routine you’re sitting somewhere near the top of the bell. The bedtime routine is designed to get you to the bottom of the curve which is sleep. A ramping down of the excitement of the day into the relaxation and bliss that is sleep.

And while most of my tips above deal with the actual bedtime routine and getting to sleep, reducing stress and promoting relaxation during any part of the day can be helpful in getting to sleep. Here’s a good news article on how recent research is proving how massage helps sleep. #SleepWeek

I hope you find something interesting and helpful in this article/rant about sleep. And if you are as outraged and upset about the continuing insanity of changing the time, disrupting our health, and raising our risk of accidents and heart attacks twice a year you can join me in using #LeaveTheClockAlone and #AbolishTimeChange. Or you can sign one of the dozens of petitions that get started this time of year to try to get rid of time change.

Be well and give yourself permission to sleep and to rest.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Ashi-Thai Therapist!

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Mardi Gras Special!

MardiGrasCreweMany of you probably have already seen that I am on a Mardi Gras Crewe here in Decatur, AL. I’m a charter member of Crewe O’ Ye Crooked Goat, aka Pirate Crewe and you can find us over here if you’re interested in becoming part of our crewe or just like all things piratey.

Anyway, I always try to do a special around Mardi Gras because it’s fun, but this year the stakes are being raised.

Recently, the Carnegie Carnival parlayed with Decatur High School Developmental Program and began a proper recycling program for all the Mardi Gras beads that are flung about during the parades. The developmental center will wash, sort, and re-bundle all the beads collected and then put them back into circulation for next year’s celebration. All proceeds from the recycling program will benefit the developmental program. Win! Win! Win!

Last year you’ll remember we were an informal collection point for Mardi Gras beads after the parade. As of today, we are now an OFFICIAL Carnegie Carnival collection point for beads that will be recycled through the developmental program.

So, without further ado…

Bring in a fistful of Mardi Gras beads to recycle and you will receive $10 off your massage.

This offer is good one per customer and runs from February 14th – March 31st.

Want to get in on the fun? Carnegie Carnival Mardi Gras schedule is here! Hope to see you at the parade on February 14th!

Or you could just become a pirate and join our Crewe! Ask me how.

It’s so easy a PIRATE could do it!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Bamboo Fusion Therapist!

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Take Care of Yourself!

Pinterest ButtonA while back I started a Pinterest board for self-care. It’s called Stretch & Strengthen and it’s over here. I think you might have to have an account to see it. But go ahead, Pinterest is just another form of Internet crack.

I started this board because sometimes I hurt and my next massage is either not yet scheduled or is a week or more away. And we all know how easy it is to get in with a massage therapist on short notice, so I have to take matters into my own hands and do something.

My favorite self-care tools are a tennis ball, a foam roller and a yoga mat. I think it’s best to keep it simple so a lot of the stretches and strengtheners can be done with little to no equipment.

Right now the board reads like a journey through my personal aches and pains, but recently I was able to start adding pins to it with specific client issues I was seeing. So if you’re working on something specific, let me know and I’ll see if I can add a pin for it.

I intend this Stretch and Strengthen board to be a resource for folks looking for self-care and preventive-care for aches and pains. It in no way should be interpreted as a replacement, substitute or advice for medical care.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Ashi-Thai Therapist!

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Happy Holidays to You and Yours!


Whether you say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Mele Kalikimaka, Frohliche Weihnachten, Buon Natale, Joyeux Noel, I wish you a holiday filled with joy, love and light.

Merry Christmas from Harvest Moon Massage Therapy!

Please see below for our holiday hours!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Bamboo-Fusion Massage Therapist!

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December 2014 Holiday Need-to-Know


I just wanted to drop a quick note here to let everyone know the ins & outs for the end of year schedule.

Harvest Moon Massage Therapy will be closed December 24 – 26, as well as December 31st and January 1st.

Appointments will be available between Christmas and News Years on a limited basis. Please call or text me for availabilities even if there doesn’t appear to be any using the online system.

Please let me know ASAP if you need a Gift Certificate. I will not be available to deliver or meet anyone with certificates next week.

Also, if you’re looking for an interesting and fun gift for someone or yourself, I still have three adult hoops for sale.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Ashi-Thai Specialist!

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You’re Invited!


Please join us for an Open House this Saturday, December 6th from 2 – 4pm.

1900 Flint Road SE, Decatur, AL

There will be refreshments, gift certificates and a selection of retail items available.

Young Living Essential Oils, Neil Yard Organic Remedies and hand-made adult hula hoops are just a few of the items for sale.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Specialist!

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2014 AMTA National Convention or the Time I Met Dr. Oz!

The 2014 AMTA National Convention in Denver was a whirlwind of friends, classes, parties, meetings, debates, dinners, and overall awesomeness (sorry, Roxanne)!

There was so much to it, I think it would just be best if I let you take your time with a picture gallery. Don’t miss the captions, they tell parts of the story too.


And in addition to all of that I managed to get myself on camera and they used part of my interview in both AMTA National Convention videos from this year!



Hope you enjoyed my little scrapbook of 2014 AMTA National Convention in Denver!

For more on the Denver convention and how all my Ashi instructors participated you can head on over to the Bodywork Buddy Blog.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Ashiatsu Deepfeet Bar Therapist!

2014 AMTA National Convention or the Time I Met Dr. Oz! Read More »

Kids and Massage?

Me with Tina Allen founder of Liddle Kidz Foundation
Me with Tina Allen founder of Liddle Kidz Foundation

So during my recent trip to Denver, Colorado and the 2014 AMTA National Convention I had the odd fortune of getting to take a Pediatric Massage class. I say odd fortune because it wasn’t my first choice. It was actually pretty far down the list of my choices, but circumstances happened and I wasn’t able to register until other classes had filled and this class was happening in the time period I had free to take a class.

You know how they say that everything happens for a reason? Well, there was a reason. Apparently I was meant to take this class, Pediatric Massage: Highlighting Trauma.

It was four hours of non-stop information. Stuff that I should have learned in massage school or psychology class or somewhere, but hadn’t. The class should have been two days long for all the information that needed to be conveyed and received. The instructor was vibrant, knowledgeable, and passionate. She was also very focused on research and real science backing up what she was teaching.

Overall a great class. One that leaves you thirsting for much, much more of the subject.

What I learned in her class, by and large, is that the kids I have worked on, mostly in my office, are not just pint-sized adults; which is how I’ve been treating them. They have different needs, different expectations, just a whole different mindset of what massage is or should be.

That being said, I’m not going to stop working on kids. I’m just going to modify with what I know now. And, mark this down, I’m going to go for a Pediatric Massage Therapy Certification. I won’t be able to go until next year, but that gives me time to save up enough money. Donations are welcome, the tuition is expensive and I’ll have to travel to do it, but I think it’s going to be worth it. And I think it’s a service that our area desperately needs.

Anyway, I’m linking a video here of a short (17 minutes) documentary about Liddle Kidz Foundation and what they do for kids, not just in North America, but all over the world. Enjoy!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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2014 AMTA National Convention – It’s Almost Time!

HOD 2013
Floor of the 2013 AMTA House of Delegates

Many of you may remember that I took off for Ft. Worth last September to serve as an Alabama chapter delegate for American Massage Therapy Association. Well, those delegate positions are two year terms so I’m getting ready to run off to Denver next week.

I know you’re wondering why I do this. After all, I have to leave my lovely clients and the income that they so generously give to me. I do it because of the position statements that AMTA House of Delegates will be voting on this year.

Position statements can affect the entire profession of massage, massage education and consumers of massage. And I think this year’s crop of position statements run the gamut. We’ll be debating and voting on position statements that deal with portability of massage credentials across state lines, how massage affects health and wellness, and whether massage is helpful for the rehabilitation of burn scars.

One would assume that all these are good things and I would agree in principal, but when you’re representing not only a state chapter, but a national organization all the i’s must be dotted and t’s crossed. So these position statements may or may not be adopted. But never fear, there are lots of position statements that have already been adopted. If you’re interested, they’re over here. Leave a message if you have an opinion or observation about the position statements. I’d love to talk with you about them.

Anyway, last minute preparations are under way and I wanted to let you know that Harvest Moon Massage Therapy will close Friday, September 12th @ 3:30pm and will resume normal hours Friday, September 26th. Email and voicemail returns will be very slow during this time period. If you would like to schedule, please use online scheduling through StyleSeat.

Why so long? Because I’ve never been to Colorado before and I’m taking a few days after the convention ends to see the sights and have a walkabout in the mountains. I also hope to experience several sets of Ashi feet on my back while I’m there. Colorado being the home of Ruthie Hardee, the developer of the Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy method I practice, there should be lots of Ashi feet available.

It’s going to be an interesting trip and I’m taking the BIG suitcase this time. TSA may be very surprised when they see how I’m going to stuff a hula hoop and a yoga mat in there. I hope they don’t try to take anything out!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Ashi-Thai Therapist!

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