How to Get a Massage Therapy License in the State of Alabama

Alabama Massage Therapy LicenseThe process for obtaining a Massage Therapist License in the State of Alabama has changed since this post was published, please see the new post dealing with massage therapy licensing in Alabama. How to Get a Massage Therapist License – Digital Edition!

This question seems to be coming up more and more lately so I thought I would put together what I hope is a helpful guide to getting your massage license in the state of Alabama.

For Graduates of Alabama Massage Therapy Schools

For recent graduates the process is quite straightforward, you must receive your diploma or certificate, take and pass a national exam, purchase liability insurance, and then apply for a state license. Numerous documents proving your credentials will be required. Those are spelled out in the application itself.

Your instructors and administrators from massage school should be a great help in getting your application package ready.

For Massage Therapists Moving to Alabama

For massage therapists moving to Alabama who wish to become licensed the process may be a bit less straightforward, especially if you have been a therapist for a long time, the state you’re moving from doesn’t require licensure, and/or you never took a national examination.

If you currently hold a license in another state and you took the NCTM(B) or MBLEx exam and passed then you should request an application for a license, fill it out and submit it. Unless you have a significant difference in educational hours, I suspect your application will go through pretty easily. In the case of a large difference in educational hours, I recommend documenting all your continuing education along with associated hours to send with your application.

If you’re reading this article because you have been a therapist for a number of years, you don’t have a license from your current state, and/or you never took the NCTM(B) or MBLEx, let me put your mind at ease right away. It is possible and you probably won’t have to take the national exam to get your license here.

According to the Code of Alabama, Title 34. Professions and Businesses, Chapter 43. Massage Therapists, § 34-43-9. Application for license; educational requirements, paragraph b,

(b) Notwithstanding the requirements in subdivisions (1) and (2) of subsection (a), the board may license an applicant if the applicant is licensed or registered in another state, which, in the opinion of the board, has standards of practice or licensure that are equal to or stricter than the requirements imposed by this chapter.

So that’s good news! Yay! Take a deep breath and know you can do this.

Now let’s get down to the business of how to go about getting licensed if you are transferring from a state where you weren’t required the minimum educational hours, you didn’t have a license, or you’ve been a therapist for fifteen or twenty years and never took a national exam.

Here’s a jumping off point for getting started with this process:

  1. Request an application for an Alabama massage therapy license
  2. When it arrives, fill it out as best you can
  3. Provide as much of the required documentation as you can
  4. Include a copy of your liability insurance
  5. Include a copy of any licenses or registrations you hold in the state you are moving away from*
  6. Include a copy of your resume or a letter outlining your qualifications, work experience, and total number of hours of initial education and continuing education you have completed

*If you don’t have a license or registration because the state you’re moving from doesn’t require or provide it, I recommend doing a very thorough job of providing documentation on your initial education including hours required, years worked as a practicing massage therapist, and a list of all the continuing education including hours earned for each. A couple of references from massage school instructors and peers also would not hurt in this case. 

At this point you may be thinking I am making this sound easy in a somewhat terrifying sort of way. It is actually just a process. And while it seems like a lot all at once, by working through the process a step at a time and being organized, we can reduce a difficult, frustrating and, let’s face it, scary proposition to a somewhat less stressful situation.

So let’s all take a deep breath and get ready to work this process. More than likely it’s going to take several days (maybe weeks) to get all the documentation and information together to apply for your Alabama massage therapy license. Use the list above as a starting place and add to it as you think of specific documents you want to include in your application package. And then every day try to tick one thing off the list. Pretty soon your package will be ready to put in the mail and hopefully you haven’t pulled all your hair out.

After mailing your application, wait a few days then call the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy. They may or may not be able to confirm that your application has arrived. Regardless, have a conversation with the person answering the phone and anyone they may transfer you to about your application and what you are trying to do. They should be able to advise you on any further action you might need to take. Add any actions you need to take to your list. Write down that person’s name on your list so if you have to call again you can ask for this person and not have to start all over with someone new.

Expect for your application to be reviewed by the executive director of the board. Someone from the state board may call and ask clarifying questions. You may be asked to provide more information. If so, provide it. Then take a deep breath and get ready to wait. This part of the process could take a while.

I would advise you not to be afraid to call periodically (no more than weekly) to check on the progress of your application’s review process. So many people I talk to are afraid to call the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy and I don’t know why. They are actually all quite friendly and knowledgeable.

I hope this article has been helpful at relieving some of the anxiety involved in getting your Alabama massage therapy license. If you found this helpful or have more questions, let me know down there in the comments and I will do my best to find the answers.

Forms and requirements to apply for an Alabama massage therapy license can be found on the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy website.

***Please note that at the writing of this article 4/2016, there is a statement on the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy Requirements page that says,

The Massage Therapist License requirements are … and be certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.

I have confirmed with a representative of the state board that certification (Board Certified) with NCBTMB is not a requirement. This is an unfortunate wording for their requirement to take and pass a national massage therapy examination. Their website is in the process of being updated to reflect that they will accept the MBLEx and delete the language associated with certification by the NCBTMB.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Symphony of the Cells

SymphCellsHarvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology in Decatur, AL invites you to join us for a demonstration of the doTerra Symphony of the Cells technique.

We will have Norma Willock and Anna Rickabaugh from the Auburn/Opelika area here to share with us about integrating essential oils into your wellness journey.

If you are interested in learning more about essentials oils, their uses and application techniques please plan on attending this talk.

When: March 25th @ 4pm
Where: 1900 Flint Road, Decatur, AL 35601
Cost: Free – Please RSVP here, space is limited

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s newest Certified AromaTouch Therapist!

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Does Massage Help Heal Broken Bones?

BrokenFingerI was recently approached by a client with this question about massage and broken bones. My initial reaction was, “No way!” But then with a little more thought and research I reasoned that while it would be nice (and much cheaper, less painful, easier, and great for business!) to rub away a break, massage therapy can indirectly help the healing process when bones have been broken.

How Massage Helps Broken Bones

Let’s talk about the healing process for a minute. It starts as we breathe oxygen into our lungs. Our lungs allow the oxygen to dissolve into our bloodstream. Blood then delivers the oxygen to our cells. After the cells have used up the oxygen, they spit out all the by-products of the healing process into the interstitial fluid between cells. The lymphatic system then sweeps them up and transports them through the lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and eventually out through your eliminatory system. This is a gross oversimplification of the miracle of life, but you get the gist.

Applying the healing process to broken bones it would look something like this. Cells and all the things they make up, muscles, tendons, bones, etc., heal when they are bathed in oxygen. So in order to heal, blood (and oxygen) must reach cells in the area that has the fracture. That oxygen must get used up in order for healing to occur and the lymphatic system has to do its job taking out the trash to keep the area from swelling and squeezing out the possibility for fresh, oxygenated blood to enter. Thus, it only makes sense that the goal of massage therapy in respect to help heal broken bones is to promote and restore optimal blood and lymphatic flow to the area of injury.

What if you have a broken bone and you’re in a hard cast?

You might think massage therapy can’t help, but lymphatic drainage can help reduce swelling and decongest the region around the fracture even when you’re in a cast. Sounds crazy, but it’s true. Certified manual lymphatic drainage therapists are trained to ramp up the lymphatic system. And a busy lymphatic system reaches parts of the body that the therapist can’t touch thus reducing swelling, removing cellular debris and promoting healing. So even if you are in a cast, a massage therapist certified in manual lymphatic drainage can definitely help you along your healing journey.

After you’re out of the cast massage therapy can help in a more direct manner. Muscle atrophy, stiffness and sub-functioning joints can all benefit from an appropriately tailored massage. Delivering a good dose of blood and oxygen via massage and lymphatic drainage to the injured area will be one of the best things about breaking a bone (after the cast coming off, that is).

What you can do to help heal broken bones

  • Eat healthy, nutritious foods – This gives your body the nutrients and building blocks to make the needed repairs
  • Move as much as you can within the guidelines of your medical advice – Get your blood moving so your cells can do their jobs and get you fixed up, also movement helps combat stiffness and gets you going faster and easier after the more restricted healing period
  • Breathe deeply in a clean air environment – Give your blood plenty of good oxygen to deliver to those hard working cells
  • Meditate! – Since you’ve been forced to slow down physically, why not take some time to give your brain a break too?

What to watch out for

  • All massage therapists are not lymphatic drainage therapists. Find someone who is certified in manual lymphatic drainage. This is important.
  • Massage therapists claiming you don’t need to see a doctor for a suspected broken bone. Run/hobble away!
  • Any other ridiculous claims. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

And so now you know how massage can and can’t help when you’ve broken a bone.

Be well, my friends!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is a Certified Holistic Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist!

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Catch & Release

Mardi Gras BeadsSo maybe you were at the Mardi Gras parade last weekend and ended up taking a bag full of beads home. Now that bag is sitting next to the door or still in your car and you don’t know what to do with them?

Bring them to Harvest Moon Massage Therapy!

I’ll take care of getting them to Decatur High School’s Developmental Program for recycling. You get them out of your life and Decatur High’s Developmental Program gets job training and a little bit of extra money from re-sale.

It’s a win, Win, WIN!

Here’s more information about the Carnegie Carnival’s Catch & Release program. And the article in the Decatur Daily.

C & R logo

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur’s only master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Regarding the Hyperthyroid

Thyroid and massageJanuary is Thyroid Awareness Month and everywhere I look I see lots and lots of information about hypothyroidism and very little on hyperthyroidism. So I thought I would share a little bit about my recent experience with a whacked out, overactive, hyperthyroid.

While you need a blood test to diagnose hyperthyroidism here are a few things to look out for that might lead you to your doctor for a test

  • Significant, unexplained weight loss paired with increased appetite
  • Anxiety and/or nervousness
  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations, pounding and/or racing heart
  • Higher rates of hair and nail growth
  • Muscle weakness
  • Increased frequency of bowel output
  • Menstrual changes

Unfortunately, I experienced all of the above listed symptoms and it was absolutely no fun whatsoever. The onset of symptoms came on gradually over a period of a few weeks until I was a vibrating mess of emotional turmoil that led to a weepy doctor’s office visit where blood was drawn. Apparently these are classic symptoms and the doctors knew pretty quickly what we were dealing with.

Ironically, I had been on meds for hypothyroid for several years. So those were stopped in the hopes the symptoms would resolve on their own. They did not. The medical course of treatment to date has been a wait and see with a monthly blood draw to test the levels of thyroid hormones in my bloodstream.

Being the more proactive type, I did some research. The medical options for treating hyperthyroidism are pretty bleak. They include meds that might reduce the thyroid hormone, taking radioactive iodine to destroy all or part of the thyroid thus ensuring a lifelong hypothyroid condition, or complete removal of the thyroid gland (also effecting a lifelong hypothyroid condition).

All of these medical interventions sounded a little scary to me so I looked in a more holistic direction and added an herbal tincture of bugleweed, lemon balm, and motherwort. Each of these herbs combat different symptoms I was experiencing. I also cleaned up my diet, focusing on reducing inflammation in my body and giving my gut flora the nutritional building blocks it needed to repopulate. I realized that over the 6 weeks preceding the hyperthyroid symptom onset I had allowed some less than healthy eating habits to drift into my diet. I also drank a lot of nervine tea, diffused essential oils, and received massage to combat the constant and overwhelming anxiety I experienced.

What Causes Hyperthyroidism?

There are several known causes of thyroid disease, but from the research I have done it seems that it’s not well understood overall. More information on the known causes of hyperthyroidism can be found here.

I believe my hyperthyroidism was caused by inflammation from poor dietary choices. And while I haven’t had a blood test in a while to see, I think I’m leveling off. Though I certainly don’t think my thyroid journey is over.

As always, if you suspect your thyroid is not functioning properly, please see a doctor. This article is informational only and not to be used as medical advice.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is a Certified Holistic Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist!

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Celebrate New Year With a Massage!

2016-NewYear2Wow! 2015 really ended with a bang. That sound was me losing my job in Huntsville and taking a really big breath just before I jumped into full-time massage therapy!

Happy New Year!

Effective January 4th, 2016 I will be available on a full-time basis at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology!

New office hours are as follows:

Mondays: 12-8
Tuesdays: 9-4
Wednesdays: 12-8
Thursdays: 9-4
Fridays: 9-4

Book now for your January appointments and, if you haven’t already, enter to win a FREE massage!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Recover From The Holidays With a FREE Massage!

Relax MGD©

Ever feel like the holidays are just too much? Well, I have good news!

Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology in Decatur, AL is giving away a 1-hour massage!

Wouldn’t you love to have a massage? Wouldn’t you really love to receive a FREE massage?

Well, technically it’s not free, you have to enter the contest. Keep reading to find out how.

  1. Get yourself over to my Facebook page!
  2. Like my Facebook page (this part is required)
  3. Find this post on my page. I’ll pin it to the top so it’s easy to find.
  4. Share the post to your timeline and in your share tell everyone why you want to win this FREE massage! (also, required)

Here comes the small print:

  • I currently have 197 people who like my Facebook page. We have to get to 300 by New Years Day for this thing to fly.
  • You don’t have to be an existing client to participate so get your friends in on it to increase the chances of hitting 300 and thus guaranteeing that someone wins a free massage
  • You must be ready to redeem your free massage in the month of January
  • You must write a review of your experience

That’s it, easy peasy! So get yourself on over to my Facebook page and enter into the contest. I’ll be announcing the winner on January 1st so share, share, share it around.

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

Recover From The Holidays With a FREE Massage! Read More »

Merry Christmas from Harvest Moon Massage Therapy

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Everyone! I hope you are having a lovely and blessed holiday with family and friends.

Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology will close Wednesday, December 23rd and re-open Monday, December 28th.

Until then, check our online scheduling system for openings between Christmas and New Year (and beyond).

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur, Alabama’s Most Experienced Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Come By for Our Holiday Open House!

Harvest Moon Massage ChristmasWe will be hosting a holiday open house this Friday, December 4th, from 9am to 6pm.

I will have herbal infused honeys and hula hoops as well as gift certificates for sale. Cathy and Cindy will have Young Living essential oils and other assorted products and services available.

Drop in for a free warm paraffin hand dip, a bite of chili and some sweets. We’ll also have hot tea, hot chocolate and coffee available.

Can’t wait to see you!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Fall Break!

harvestmooncoverHarvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology will be closed this Friday, November 6th, while I go to the mountains to take a Reflexology refresher!

I won’t be able to answer calls promptly so if you’d like to schedule an appointment for next week, please visit my StyleSeat book.

I’ll be back in the office bright and early Monday!

Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

Fall Break! Read More »