People often ask me why I decided to become a massage therapist. The answer is complicated.
The colorful story I tell starts with, “One day, I just got mad…,” and while it is true that I became overwhelmed and discouraged with the position I held for 23 years, there’s more to the story. Hopefully here, I can put some of it down for you.
I became a massage therapist because I wanted to take a more active role in helping people. As a child, I wanted to be a doctor. Then I decided to be a nurse. One day I woke up and had lost the ability to look at my brothers’ skinned elbows and knees without fainting. I knew my medical career was over before it began.
I looked around and discovered a talent in math and after earning a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Jacksonville State University moved to Huntsville, Alabama to become an engineer. Seventeen years later a door closed, a window opened and I discovered an opportunity to help people in a way that excited me the way wanting to be a doctor and nurse had when I was a child.
In 2008, I graduated from Calhoun Community College among the first group of massage therapists the school trained. While in school, an instructor introduced me to barefoot massage and it fascinated me. In early 2009, I found a barefoot massage class and began training. I love it so much that I am currently a barefoot massage instructor for Center for Barefoot Massage at Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center. I have also spent a lot of time and effort extending my training (barefoot and traditional). You can read more about that on my Services and Qualifications pages.
The work I do with my clients is important and profound. Some days I don’t know who benefits more, them or me.
I think it’s safe to say that I achieved my goal of helping people in a more direct way. My new goal is to help even more people by introducing them to the healing power of massage.
I just had to tell you – your web presence is so relaxing, so calming just looking and reading is very soothing. Good for you. Wish I were near enough to try the work. I found you with a Google image search “great massage rooms”, and then I kept finding more so had to check it out. Thank you
Hello, I am a massage therapist in muscle shoals. I am looking to extend my career in this field and think this is an areas to grow into. Does this require a specialize license or so many hours of certification before one can begin practicing this? I am very interested in taking your class in July!
Hi Krista, If you are a licensed massage therapist, you are good to go! Please go ahead and register ASAP. If you need help, let me know. Also, be sure to sign up for our mailing list!