I spent Saturday road-tripping to Birmingham to catch this fantastic continuing education. This dude, Gil Hedley, is RV’ing across the U.S. and Canada to teach massage therapists, yoga and Pilates teachers, medical folks, and any other interested party about the physical and emotional nervous system in the human body.
Cadaver studies have never been my thing but working with the human body for the last 15+ years has apparently tempered my squeamishness into curiosity. What an amazing experience and such a gift getting to learn from people who have donated their bodies to science. The reverence Gil has for the people and their families is so heartening and gives me hope that the best of humanity is still out there waiting for us to find them.
Can I say that there was one particular thing I learned that will translate into my work that you’ll recognize as immediately different? No, maybe not yet, but it’s actually the most thorough exploration of the nerve bodies I’ve ever been exposed to. It was amazing how he was able to show the nerves where and how they presented physically inside the body and then tie them to movement, sensory, and even emotions. My explanation doesn’t even do justice to his presentation, you just have to experience it for yourself.
As far as layering this into my current work, it will be another body of information I have access to sift through when making decisions about appropriate treatment strategies. This class also gives me a reference point as to where to start looking with certain issues. Hello, sciatic nerve! And again, this is the most thorough education I’ve ever been through for the nervous system. It’s something I’ve been actively missing and trying to fill in for years. We’ll see how it manifests together.
For Bodyworkers
If you’re here looking for more information about Gil, he was everything I’d hoped for and probably more if I’m being honest. Warm, funny, witty, and of course so, so intelligent. This is not a class I’ll forget any time soon and to be honest, I’ll probably take it again when it’s available on the website. If you’re thinking of taking it, do it! No regrets!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!