Press Here! Ayurvedic Head Massage For Beginners: A Practice for Overall Health and Wellness by Hillary Arrieta
I should start this review by disclosing that my knowledge about head massage before reading this book consisted of watching a few videos on YouTube of a guy in India doing Indian Head Massage. It looks violent, but the receivers seem to enjoy it very much so perhaps vigorous is a better description. After reading this book I would definitely have to go with it’s all in the hands of the practitioner. I will definitely try it someday.
I should also probably disclose that the author is a friend of mine.
About the Author
Hillary Arrieta is a massage therapist, massage educator, aromatherapist, and overall badass. She owns The Heeling Hut Barefoot Massage in Dallas, TX, and teaches barefoot massage with Texas Barefoot Massage Training.
About the Book
This book covers everything: the what of Indian Head Massage, basic principles of doshas, chakras, and marmas, different aspects of preparing for the massage, recipes to prepare your own hair oils to use during the massage, and instructions and illustrations for performing eight different Indian Head Massage rituals for working with clients as well as self-care.
Overall, I found this book unassuming and very accessible. It seems comprehensive for a beginner technique book without becoming a tome. It is easy to read and use with a handy index that makes it quick to find exactly what I’m looking for. I appreciate that the author took the time to illustrate both the self-care technique for each ritual as well as the client-care techniques. And the illustrations being inclusive just points to how much thought and consideration was put into this work.
If you’re interested in learning more about this technique without sinking a ton of money into a continuing education class, this would be a great place to start.
Find the Author
You can learn more about Hillary Arrieta and her book at her website.
Happy Reading!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!