I really don’t know how I’ve neglected to drop the 2022 Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center schedule here. It’s been busy is all I can say. And seems like every time I thought I had everything straightened out, something else would change.
Regardless of future changes, right now this is where we stand.
In addition to the entry-level myofascial Ashiatsu Fundamentals and Fijian Barefoot Massage classes, I’ll be teaching a couple of Intermediate Ashiatsu classes this year. Did I neglect to tell you I finally finished my Intermediate Instructor Certification? Yes? No? Refer to above where I said it had been sorta busy. That instructor certification was not the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
I’m Taking Fijian on the Road!
I’ll be traveling to Kentucky and Georgia to teach Fijian in March and September respectively. Palpation Prep School of Massage in Benton, KY, tried to host Fijian in 2020, but COVID-19 messed that up so we’re trying again. If you’re in western KY or anywhere surrounding that area, come join us!
The Georgia Fijian class will be hosted at Terramar Wellness Center in Carrollton, GA, and I am so excited to visit this location. I’ve been following TerraMar Wellness since I first taught one of the owners when I was still in my Fundamentals Instructor Training. Also, they have a float tank and I absolutely cannot wait to make a reservation for that. I might float every single day I’m over there!
And Dawn’s Coming to Teach ROM!
I’m also really excited about hosting a ROM class here at the Decatur campus. That one is happening in May and Dawn Dotson from our Center for Barefoot Massage New York campus will be here to teach it. You may remember her from when I took ROM last September.
So, as you can see, there’s going to be a lot going on as far as barefoot massage training classes this year. And I’m really pumped about being able to road trip and take Fijian out into different communities as well as hosting other instructors locally.
Students, if you’re here for the barefoot massage training, register over here. Registration is open for everything you see here.
Alumni, if you have your eye on a particular class I don’t teach, let me know and I’ll see about getting one of our other instructors to come teach it here.
Clients, if you want to get scheduled in for a clinic appointment, text me and let me know!

Sharon Bryant teaches for Center for Barefoot Massage at Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center!