Well, today is 28 days since I had to (temporarily) close Harvest Moon Massage Therapy. It has certainly been an eye-opening ride. I started off the first week by bolting out of bed, showering, getting dressed, putting on makeup (gasp!), and filming a bunch of videos for Idle Sole Wellness. That lasted 5 or 6 days before my energy and enthusiasm began to flag. What I discovered is that I was running from all the feelings of grief, panic, uncertainty, etc. Then about day 21 something inside me broke open and I finally relaxed.
Once I began to deal with the feelings, I spent some time figuring out what to do. I’m not one to not be busy or productive. I find it difficult to just sit and watch tv. So, I thought I would give you a survey of what I’ve been doing with my time.
What I’ve Been Doing
- Learning to edit and splice video footage together to create a not-so-professional video wellness series. Again, why not, I have the time and it can only help in case of future projects. Want to see it? Click here to sign-up!
- Trying to figure out what to do with all the stuff that’s in our “to donate” pile, but can’t go anywhere yet.
- Crocheting and trying to figure out how I have so much yarn and unfinished projects!
- Sewing masks, it’s a fabric de-stash project that’s helping me feel like I’m still relevant. The word “non-essential” is just rude!
- Zoom happy hour with a great friend from Birmingham. She’s single, I worry about her.
- Spending time outside in the sun in between the rainstorms and dodging the rumbling bumblebees
- Getting my garden ready for planting day!
- Cooking a lot and rejoicing when I can do curbside!
- Baking cookies and bread and then eating it. I have visions of my table groaning every time I take a bite!
- Replacing a dryer vent (that was hard)
- Applying for unemployment and the EIDL loans/grants. Both new adulthood experiences
- Keeping up with the changes in sanitation recommendations for when we do get to open back up
- Taking a correspondence course. Because, why not? I have the time and I’m just holding my breath hoping I get back to work soon and can use it!
- Cleaning and cleaning and cleaning some more
- Checking in with family to make sure they’re all safe
- Designated grocery shopper and pharmacy runner
- Watching gobs of movies and Netflix and TV and Amazon Prime
- Learning to create and run a t-shirt fundraiser to help with business expenses while we’re shutdown (it’s over now, but I have a few extra shirts if you’re interested)
- Zoom happy hour with my barefoot massage peeps. Tiki Style!
- Drinking too many adult beverages and sodas. Our favorite Mexican place did margaritas by the gallon last Friday. I’m happy to report we still have some of it left!
- Canceling my next Ashiatsu class and trying to figure out if that needs to extend into May’s Fijian class
- Walking laps around the neighborhood when it’s not raining
- Staying up too late and getting up at a time my grandmother would have considered scandalous!
If you’re also in quarantine, I’m sure your list looks similar-ish. If you’re not in quarantine, know that I’m rooting for you to stay healthy and strong.
How Much Longer?
As to how much longer it’s going to be before I’ll be back in the office and accepting clients…I’m not sure. Right now, the Alabama Department of Health and the Governor’s order says no sooner than April 30th. I don’t think the state even knows what re-engaging “non-essential” businesses is going to look like.
I know it’s not the answer any of us want to hear. I’m ready to get back to work. The part of me that doubted I could be my own boss for long (inner voice: “because I’m too lazy”) is starting to rear its ugly head again. I’m ready, ready, ready to move and groove and get everyone back on the table. There’s so much stress and pain and pressure and uncertainty and EVERYONE needs a massage right now and probably a hug. I hope you have someone to hug.
Oh, and have you seen these quarantine bingo cards? No… scroll down to find one! I hope it brings a little bit of fun into your day! Once you ‘Bingo!’, treat yourself!
Self-Care Bingo Card!

If you’ve made it this far into this unfocused and randomness, I hope you’re having a wonderful day!

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!