Boiled down to its simplest form, Rossiter is a method to reduce pain.
Did you know that most people schedule their very first massage to reduce pain? They take a leap of faith and hope that the therapist they chose randomly from the phone book or Google search will know all the right moves to make their pain go away. This is why I do Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy. It’s my go-to method for getting into the areas that need to get loose in order to relieve pain.
Sometimes it doesn’t work though which, frankly, terrifies me. I hold myself to a terribly high standard when it comes to my clients. Even if I can’t eradicate all vestiges of pain, I at least want you to feel much better when you get off my table. The good news is that I’ve ever only had one client (to date) who got off my table unhappy. Of course, they got on the table with the expectation that I wouldn’t be able to help so, obviously, I didn’t. It was heartbreaking to me, but that is another story altogether.
The bad news is that I have some clients suffering from chronic pain who I have been able to help in the short-run, but after a couple of weeks or a month or two months, they’re hurting again. And while I love each and every one of my clients and I love to see them and I especially love giving them the Ashi goodness, I want to be able to make a more significant difference in their pain. I think Rossiter might be the answer. After spending a weekend learning how to do this technique and practicing on friends, family, and select clientele. I feel ready to start offering a few techniques to my clients and the public.
So What Is Rossiter Exactly?
The creator of this method prefers to call it a Rossiter Workout. And while you, the client or Person In Charge, will be expected to perform guided stretches, it’s not a workout in the classic sense of the word. There’s no running or jumping up and down. Nothing too strenuous really, just some stretches and afterward a bit of walking, but it winds up being hard work.
Rossiter Workouts are performed on the floor or in a chair. As the Person In Charge, you will remain fully clothed and will control all aspects of the workout. Many of the maneuvers demanded in the Rossiter Workout will be uncomfortable. And while I’m not about pain, sometimes you have to walk through the pain in order to get past it and leave it behind. As the therapist or Coach, I will ask you a lot of questions about your pain and customize a workout for you. Then I will teach you the movements we will be doing to relieve your pain. During the workout, I will use my foot or elbow to apply deep compression to the treatment area and guide you through a series of stretches. Periodically during the workout I will ask you to walk or perform some other movement-oriented task to assess the progress you have made in reducing your pain levels.
And that’s it in a nutshell, I help you unwind those pesky fascial restrictions and you regain the freedom of movement and freedom from pain that you crave.
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Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Newest Provider of Rossiter Pain Relief Techniques |