Barefoot massage is a collection of styles of massage performed with the therapist’s feet. In addition to using their hands, barefoot massage therapists use their feet to deliver a deeper massage than what can safely and comfortably (for both) be achieved with the hands. That might look like a therapist on the table using overhead support during the massage or it may be you on a mat on the floor as the therapist is standing and/or seated to deliver the massage. You may be clothed or unclothed depending on the style of barefoot massage you’re about to experience.

I am trained in several different styles of barefoot massage and regularly offer three unique barefoot services. Why only three if I’m trained in more than that? Because learning many different methods and skills tend to inform all of my work and I chose to simplify the offerings into three distinct categories.

What is Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage?
I offer what I call Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage. This method has the client lying unclothed and draped on the table while I use my feet to compress, glide, and distract the client’s tissues to achieve a therapeutic, myofascial, deep tissue massage. I will also use an overhead support structure for balance and support as well as a suspended strap to lean into for lateral body work. This style of massage offers a comfortably deep experience that addresses muscle, fascia, and joint function. Other barefoot massage practitioners may define ashiatsu as something different depending on when and where they were trained.

What is Barefoot Stretch Therapy?
I also offer Barefoot Stretch Therapy which involves the client on the table, typically clothed unless it’s integrated with other massage sessions. During Barefoot Stretch Therapy I will again use my feet to guide the client’s body through a series of Thai Yoga stretches, range of motion movements, and muscle compressions. Barefoot Stretch Therapy is a very effective method for keeping joints moving throughout their healthy range of motion, encouraging synovial fluid to flood and nourish the joints, and easing pain associated with arthritis.

What is Fijian Barefoot Massage?
Fijian Barefoot Massage is the third barefoot service I regularly offer. It is what you’ll see me doing if you find me at an outdoor event or a health and wellness fair. This massage finds a fully-clothed client on a mat on the floor where I’ll use my feet to perform a compressive, neuromuscular, sports-style massage. This technique is a faster paced massage that I perform seated or standing using a chair or suspended strap for any needed support. It’s an aggressive technique that is deep, but you won’t find a therapist using their full body weight or both feet during this massage. This style of barefoot massage is a great option for massage anywhere and benefits athletic recovery as well as weekend warriors who have overdone it.
So as you can see, barefoot massage is, simply, massage. We just happen to do that massage with our feet!
I hope this article helps you understand a little more about these different styles of massage. I also hope it helps you decide what type of massage might work best for you!
#BarefootMassageChallenge | For more information on learning Barefoot Massage, visit Center for Barefoot Massage and Alabama Barefoot Massage Training Center.

Sharon Bryant at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy
is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapist!
Awesome explainations, Sharon!!!!